'Fox & Friends' Wants To Show Video Of Baltimore 'On Fire' Every Time Dem Candidate Is Talking
The host of "Fox & Friends" argued on Sunday that broadcasts which included Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley should always be accompanied by video of Baltimore "on fire" during the Freddie Gray riots earlier this year, even though he was no longer the governor of Maryland at the time.
The host of Fox & Friends argued on Sunday that broadcasts which included Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley should always be accompanied by video of Baltimore "on fire" during the Freddie Gray riots earlier this year, even though he was no longer the governor of Maryland at the time.
Following Saturday night's Democratic presidential debate, Fox & Friends reminded viewers Martin O'Malley had been on the stage even if it felt like a "two-person debate" between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
"Every time Martin O'Malley speaks, they should just run video of Baltimore in the backdrop," Fox News host Tucker Carlson opined.
"On fire!" co-host Anna Kooiman added.
"That would be..." Carlson said, breaking into laughter before finishing the sentence. "Or not on fire! Just Baltimore."
"He'd be upset about that," co-host Clayton Morris pointed out.