Fox News 'Liberal' Gushes Over Donald Trump

Fox News “liberal” Eboni Williams had only good things to say about Donald Trump and only bad things to say about Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Fox News “liberal” Eboni Williams had only good things to say about Donald Trump and only bad things to say about Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Williams claims to "fall left on most issues" but she thought Donald Trump’s attacks on Bill Clinton over his sexual peccadillos were all good.

WILLIAMS: I think it’s smart in one way. I think he’s right that it’s fair game. …Certainly, the moment Hillary Clinton tossed Bill Clinton out there on the campaign trail to bolster her, she rightfully can’t benefit from the added component of Bill Clinton and not reap the consequences of what he causes, too. So Trump’s right about that.

Did Williams point out the hypocrisy of a guy like Trump who famously cheated on his first wife, who accused him of raping her (before she recanted), is now on wife number three and has made lascivious remarks about his daughter accusing anyone else of sexual impropriety? Heck no. Williams didn’t even point out that Trump previously thought Clinton's sexcapades were "totally unimportant" and called him a "terrific guy."

Here’s how Williams "criticized" Trump – by criticizing the Clintons more.

WILLIAMS: It's interesting because Bill Clinton remains incredibly popular, incredibly bolstering of enthusiasm for much of the traditional Democratic base and that’s the thing that Hillary Clinton, despite her best efforts, still has not been able to tap into, that enthusiasm and that rigor. So I don’t know if it’s the best choice on Trump’s part to kind of wake that sleeping giant. I say, just let Hillary just be defective, let her be boring, let her be unstimulating to her base all by herself.

Williams laughed heartily when host Rich Lowry said he didn’t think Clinton would have trouble being boring “all on her own.”

Meanwhile, the other guest, Trump fan Charles Hurt came up with his Bill Clinton conspiracy theory: “The single best explanation I’ve ever heard given for why he would’ve done it is that he knew that if his wife became the first female president in history, that that would be such a big deal, the only thing that would be remembered about Bill Clinton would have been all of his antics in the White House and the blue dress and Monica Lewinsky,” Hurt said.

So how did Williams react to this baseless accusation? By first giving it credence: “That’s interesting. Charlie makes an interesting point,” she said. Then she dismissed it by knocking the Clintons again. “I think that argument gives too much credit, actually.” She blamed the loss on the Clintons' "very entitled attitude" and “totally missing the ball, miscalculating some of the most key points” in the 2008 election.

Lowry went on to cite a national poll that showed Trump “basically tied” with Clinton. He did not point out that it was a national poll whereas the 2016 election will be decided state by state.

“It’s not just angry white people” that Trump has tapped into, Hurt said.

Williams seemed to agree. Not only that, she started gushing over Trump.

WILLLIAMS: I think that on the GOP side, Trump is probably best-suited to run head-to-head with Hillary Clinton. I think he can have some cross-aisle appeal in a way that people who have never voted for a Republican in their life, including my own mother, will consider voting for Donald Trump because they believe that he understands the problem. That’s kind of the first step.

…They feel like he’s not been a part of these historical problems, politically speaking. He’s clearly a Washington outsider. So those numbers don’t surprise me and I think the left will be very, very afraid to run against Donald Trump head-to head.

Williams undoubtedly just got herself booked for more Fox hits to fatten her paycheck but as far as the truth goes, she came up way short. For one thing, as FiveThirtyEight.com explains, general election polls are meaningless this far out. Secondly, this poll is a bit of an outlier. Real Clear Politics’ average has Clinton up 5 points. Thirdly, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have done better in the polls against her.

Most importantly, there’s something wrong with a supposed liberal who can't seem to think of anything not to like about Trump's candidacy.

Watch it above, from the December 29 Hannity.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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