Fox News Loves David Spade’s Attack On Obama
After former SNL star David Spade criticized President Obama and Michelle Obama for appearing on entertainment shows, Fox contributor Meghan McCain gushed that Spade is, “now my favorite actor.”
After former SNL star David Spade criticized President Obama and Michelle Obama for appearing on entertainment shows, Fox contributor Meghan McCain gushed that Spade is, “now my favorite actor.”
Fox News devoted an entire Outnumbered segment to showcasing Spade’s criticism with a “fair and balanced” panel of four conservatives and one liberal.
Naturally, Fox used the opening to take some swipes at Hillary Clinton, too.
Cohost Jedediah Bila said, “President Obama is not the only one making pop culture appearances. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is doing it too. The former Secretary of State recently sat for an interview with GloZell Green. She’s the YouTube Star known for her green lipstick and for bathing in a tub full of Fruit Loops.”
Cohost Melissa Francis snarked, “Doesn’t everybody?”
Bila snarked back, “I do. You mean you don’t?”
“I do, but I don’t usually take video of it. I think that’s what the difference is," Francis retorted.
My goodness, how dare a comedian do a bit on YouTube, bathing in a tub of Fruit Loops!
Meanwhile, there were lots of props for Spade.
FRANCIS: I loved a lot of the comments from David Spade. ...I understand this is how you connect to people younger than myself, but he’s [Obama] not running for anything! He’s not running for anything! He’s supposed to be doing the job, not running for the job! I would rather he was at home solving the world’s problems, working on the ISIS disaster than trying to connect with GloZell in a Fruit Loop tub.
Bila gave a pass to Clinton, given that she’s a candidate, not a sitting president who should be doing a tough job right now, like Obama.
But leave it to Meghan McCain for some over-the-top Obama attacking. She’s apparently auditioning to be Fox’s next Andrea Tantaros.
MCCAIN: President Obama is obsessed, I think in a physiologically unhealthy way, of being cool. He’s going on Comedians in Cars with whatever, with Jerry Seinfeld. Going on reality shows. I completely agreed with David Spade. You’re now my favorite actor. I’m gonna buy all your Joe Dirt DVDs and, like, I am so obsessed with the fact that someone in Hollywood is now saying this. I just sincerely hope it doesn’t negatively affect his career.
…It’s a bad look. Comedians in Cars with Coffee or whatever with Jerry Seinfeld, after there was again a San Bernardino terrorist attack. …Americans are scared right now. I just think it’s completely tone deaf.
Sure it’s completely tone deaf not to cave in to terrorists and cower in the White House rather than show you will not be frightened.
Watch it above, from the December 28 Outnumbered.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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