Fox Pundit Says We Shouldn't Have Protests In 'Civilized' Countries

How dare people put social justice ahead of Capitalism!

When you see protests in European countries, it's hard not to envy the sheer number of protesters who seem to launch effective strikes to achieve a particular goal. Let's face it, they are way better at it than we are. But when an American city rises up against newly exposed police corruption, the same corruption that has plagued Chicago for over forty years, the talking heads on Fox's Bulls and Bears are aghast that such protests are disrupting Christmas shopping! Meanwhile, in Europe, they shut the whole city down to make their points and it seems to end peacefully, and an agreement is usually made. It's not that way across the Atlantic. Not by a long shot.

Gary B. Smith, the far-right Capitalist, claims that he went all the way left, to the ACLU, to look at the guidelines of effective protest. He's shocked that these people are marching and disrupting traffic and commerce, and that's against protocol. Labor leader and sensible person, Chuck Rocha, explains that this is an effective means of getting their points across. It might disrupt commerce, but only for a fraction of the time, and these merchants will not lose significant revenue for very long.

Suzy Welch, former Harvard Business Review editor and trophy wife to former GE-CEO Jack Welch, puts things in such a way that shows a tremendous lack of sensitivity and empathy, truly stunning. Welch believes that why they're protesting is far less important than the profits earned by stores this time of year. So what, a few unarmed Black men are shot in cold blood by Chicago P.D., so what if Rahm Emanuel's city is in chaos. How dare anyone mess with the free market!

Isn't it ironic that people who are protesting against an injustice against innocent people go and commit an injustice against innocent people. "The irony is very painful if it wasn't vivid, so real. But my problem, as I said earlier in the show, united we stand, divided we fall. We're a country that's at war and the terrorists repeatedly mentioned Chicago as a target. We can't be having internal dissension like this right now, we need to be a civilized society and we need to be our best selves. And if that means that in Chicago, that the mayor needs to step aside so we can get our civilized society back then I'm all for it because we've got to stop hurting innocent people."

The injustice of being killed while not posing a threat to society is the same as a store losing a few bucks of revenue during the Holidays. At least we know what's important to most of the pundits at Faux News.

Jonas Max Ferris, a sort of liberal, caves in and admits the whole idea of disrupting commerce is not a good one. He admonishes the protesters without presenting an effective alternative.

Finally, the former WWE wrestler, John Layfield, from his picturesque home in Bermuda, gives his two cents and tells the panel he admires MLK and Rosa Parks, but these people crossed the line by disrupting commerce. What a principled guy! No one seems to suggest the proper recourse of protesting the numerous unjust homicides committed by law enforcement, the people who are supposed to serve and protect. With the exception of Chuck Rocha, this bunch could care less about real social injustice.

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