Fox Pundits Fearmonger Over Syrian Refugees, Pretend They're Not Vetted

If we took away the lies, Fox News would be dead air. As if that's news anymore...

The Bulls And Bears show is one of Saturday Morning Fox "News" TV's most irritating programs, but you can occasionally hear a scintilla of rational discussion from a fraction of the panel. Filling in for Brenda Buttner, Dagen McDowell presents an irrational portrayal of the refugee 'crisis' with regards to Syrians who may arrive any day on our American shores. It's interesting to hear how these people can spin their lies and present a completely alternate universe to reality.

Trophy wife to ex GE CEO, Jack Welch, Suzy Welch, compares taking in these highly vetted Syrian refugees to skating with your family on a lake with thin ice. Isn't that clever of her, since these people are screened painstakingly, to compare them to a random act of recklessness?

Nomiki Konst is the reasonable person on the panel, and she illustrates the insanely multi-leveled process these refugees must clear to even be considered as candidates for U.S. residency.

Ex-WWE Wrestler, John C. Layfield continues to shout that there's no way to know, even though she just mentioned exactly how they are vetting them, with excessive thoroughness, but he won't stop making his tired argument.

Dagen McDowell wants to harp on the fact that the woman in the San Bernardino killings came in on a Fiancé Visa, so all these 'liberals' who focus on the number of women and children among refugees are misguided. Gary B. Smith makes a lame analogy about cockpit doors being secured, alluding to the idea that these refugees are, at the very least, trying to hijack planes and enact massive terrorist undertakings. Nomiki desperately tries to explain that suspending all civil liberties is not the way to accomplish this safe-keeping idea, but the right-wingers out-shout her, as per usual.

Jonas Max Ferris, the sometimes sensible pundit and husband to McDowell by the way, explains that Steve Jobs was the son of a Syrian refugee, and the contributions that one man made to our economy has been limitless. So he's not a fan of this restrictive, ultra-nationalist GOP rhetoric. Shutting off the 'tap' of immigrants is not the answer. This Seventh Century nonsense of ISIS ideology is only espoused by dumb people.

John C. Layfield recounted the Twin Towers tragedy to make sure people are still afraid of the possibility of terrorist attacks. Suzy Welch wants to find out what 'we do know' and she claims that we need to slow the process down, even though it's at a snail's pace, currently.

Jonas Max Ferris wants us to exclusively admit only the smart people, because they don't fall for this nonsense. Konst tries again, in vain, to explain that the San Bernardino killers were not even Syrian refugees and how idiotic our gun laws are, yet she is not given the slightest consideration.

McDowell ultimately proclaims that engineers are most easily radicalized, said no normal person, ever. Konst and Ferris are accused of the Kumbaya liberal attitude that is just so dangerous, even though not a single right-wing nut on the panel can give a single solitary example of the dangers of inclusivity. What did this segment resolve? Nothing. It never does.

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