Fox’s Jeanine Pirro Exploits San Bernardino To Scare Everybody Into Toting Guns

The jackals are at the door, waving the American flag and spewing hate from the bully pulpits at Fox News.

Fox host and ex-wife to a reputed mobster, Jeanine Pirro, offered up an apocalyptic view of America lurking just around the corner if we’re not all armed to the teeth, ready to kill Muslims at a moment’s notice.

Pirro, the former judge and district attorney who spent decades married to a criminal with suspected mob ties, was so unnerved by the San Bernardino shooting, she acted as though she’s about to be forced into a burka or beheaded by ISIS. Or something.

PIRRO: They’re here and it’s time, time to stop pussyfooting around, time to stop this politically incorrect nonsense, worrying about other people’s feelings, pull out all the stops and start fighting for the survival of this country and our way of life.

You need to make a plan: how you’re going to protect yourself, your family and your kids. And this is not about politics. It’s about being safe. It’s about surviving.

The plan? Number one: Get a gun. Buy one legally, learn how to shoot it and be primed to use it. And I don’t care if you get a long gun, a hand gun, a revolver, a semi-automatic – get whatever gun you can handle. And don’t let anyone talk you out of it.

But that’s not enough guns for Pirro to feel safe.

PIRRO: Number two: It is time to weaponize your local police department. They are the first line of defense in this Islamic terrorists’ war against us.

Oh, and we need more xenophobia, too. Pirro’s “number three” is, “We need to close the borders from Mexico and from Canada, pure and simple.” Number four: we need to keep all foreigners out.

PIRRO: There needs to be a halt to the issuance of visas and I don’t care if it’s a business visa or a vacation visa, an education visa, a fiancé visa, a 90-day visa – stop. These people do not have a right to be here. Period, end-of-story.

Pirro had a second “number four,” which was to “stop the refugee resettlement program immediately.” That prevents President Obama from his secret plan to use several thousand refugees to turn the entire U.S., with its 300+ million population, into a majority-Muslim nation. “I don’t need anyone to tell me that I have to take in somebody because they want to change the political demographics of this nation,” announced Pirro.

Pirro’s number five? Trash those Constitutional rights! “Get ready to give up some privacy,” Pirro said.

She summed up by saying, “Sharia law is already here,” apparently because Attorney General Loretta Lynch said her “greatest fear” is the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric.”

“We are living in dangerous times. Ladies and gentlemen, the jackals are at the door,” Pirro said, as a conclusion to her 5:28 minutes of incitement to hysteria.

The jackals are at the door. But they’re waving the American flag and spewing hate from the bully pulpits at Fox News.

(Crossposted at Newshounds.us)

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