Jeb! Promises To Destroy The Safety Record Of President Obama
This president abandoned Iraq by following my brother's lead. But it wasn't W's fault, just ask Lindsey!
Osama Bin Laden is dead, The U.S. Auto Industry and Wall Street are alive, and we haven't been hit with a large scale terror attack like 9/11/2001 in the first seven years of the Obama Presidency. That is unsettling to Republicans. They feel we should arm ourselves for a Rapture-esque battle of good versus evil, all because two MOOSLIM people got their hands on the ammosexual weapon of choice, the AR-15, and gunned down co-workers in the name of Jihad.
San Bernardino is reason enough to denigrate the entire Obama national security apparatus, and in the bizarro world that was the CNN-GOP Debate, the Obama-Clinton White House, as they often referred to the current administration, is the cause for any Middle-Eastern unrest. The Bush-Cheney years bore no culpability for ISIS. All the moderators, audience members and the crazy clown car of candidates went along with this ruse as if it were the absolute truth. It's not anyone's job to fact check politicians. Not anymore.
As anyone who's literate understands, the Status of Forces Agreement was signed by George W. Bush, yet they are still pushing the fallacious notion that Obama 'cut and run.' In fact, when the president tried to guarantee immunity for a residual force he wanted to leave to maintain order, it was IRAQ who prevented this from happening.
Time: "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time On U.S. Troop Presence." An October 2011 Time article explained that U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was "an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis, and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki appears to have been unwilling to take the political risk of extending" the existing Status of Forces Agreement:
Jeb! pulls out all the lies to self-aggrandize. He blamed Hillary, President Obama and of course, he still clings to the idea that Donald is a 'secret' Democratic plant designed to help Secretary Clinton. Kilmeade asks what are Jeb's plans to take down ISIS, as if there's not a thing being done to defeat the Daesh Death Cult (ISIS) by our current administration.
Bush wants to go back to more Shock and Awe. Good thinking, because that didn't cause the least bit of animosity the first time. To appear more like a Commander in Chief, Jeb! dropped what he considers, some knowledge.
"There have been a lot of people who have served with incredible distinction, in the foreign policy realm and the defense realm, General Petraeus is certainly one of those."
He seems to believe what we really need is to 'get the lawyers off their (the generals') backs,' which is code for let's start torturing again. Obviously, amnesia is something that Republicans treasure in all their voters.
Jeb! appears to have a little more spring in his step since that junior-high-school-style squabble with Donald Trump last night. His candidacy now seems a scosche less far-fetched, although few Republican strategists think a third Bush Presidency is remotely possible. Jeb! did note that he thought Lindsey Graham's fond reminiscence of his brother's presidency certainly qualified him as 'a brilliant man with that particular statement' made at the Undercard Debate.
He reiterated that it is, without question, President Obama's fault that ISIS is in existence, which is the size of 'Indiana.' I wasn't aware that it helps to explain relative geographical size by comparing the size of ISIS's sphere of influence to a Red State. This is extra helpful, especially when the hosts are the Fox and Friends' Giggling Couch Tumors™.