Watch This Democrat Eviscerate Republican Talking Points On Gunsense

Republican Angela McGlowan, who has little regard for reality gets a well-deserved beat-down from sensible gun-control Democrat Joe Lestingi who speaks up for truth.

The reactionary idiotic Reich Wing minions who are controlled solely by Wayne LaPierre and his terrorist group, the NRA, are desperate to omit the most important detail of Wednesday's San Bernardino massacre: the AR-15. Let's be real, we all know the reason for the massacre on December 2 and it damn well sure wasn't ISIS-inspired Terrorism. That's both a wet dream for the GOP and ISIS. It's never that simple. The facilitator of a carnage of this magnitude were two weapons whose existence was made possible by Republicans. Indeed, just add it to the list of the deadly consequences of allowing a Republican in the White House in 2000 and 2004.

But these tactical arms are only legal in the United States because of the efforts of the NRA — which cowed Congress into watching the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban expire under president George W. Bush. Military-bred weapons have since become commonplace.

That tired old specious line about the Second Amendment and our right to bear arms shall not be infringed goes straight to hell when dozens of people are murdered and scores wounded in a few minutes. The SWAT team should not be a common sight, but yet, we have seen it several times since the Planned Parenthood shooting alone. How many more before the Holiday Season is over? This is not what the Founding Fathers intended when they wrote a provision to FORM A MILITIA. Everybody knows this and it's time to do something about it. I figured channel surfing and briefly landing on Fox News is certainly not a good way to abate my anger.

But I needed a respite from CNN's incessant drooling over Trump's hate-infused front-runner status. I landed on a typical Fox News HQ Saturday episode, hosted by the mandatory blonde anchor, Elizabeth Prann, with two guests attempting the Fair and Balanced routine. The contestant on the Left was the self-hating female Black Republican, in this case fringe author, Angela McClowan. She repeats all the idiotic and quickly disproven claims of the Right, and that's de rigueur for Fox 'News.'

But wait! Who is this Joe Lestingi from the Chadderdon Group? He's suggesting that we reinforce the Assault Weapons Ban, submit rigorous background checks and yes, HALLELUJAH! Let's let the CDC study the deleterious effects of gun violence and the cost to society as a whole. It was most enjoyable watching Joe remind Angela that she was ignorant of the fact that there have been more mass shootings this year than days thus far in 2015. She got all flustered and sarcastically said, thank you Joe!

But he continued to explain that the Republicans voted for a bill to allow terrorists to purchase guns and the CDC should be allowed to research how mass shootings occur. In her moment of agitation, her big comeback was:

I'd rather be a Republican and have a Republican represent me in the White House than have a. sorry. liberal. because you see what we have now.

Thanks for the reminder Angela. We have a wonderful man who has tried to alleviate the suffering of so many that have been victims of your murderous GOP-NRA-ILA. No one should forget the heroic way President Obama grieved with the parents of the Sandy Hook massacre. No one.

This is a President we can be proud of and perhaps a few guys who have a pretty smart podcast have a great idea: Let's bury the NRA in the legal battle that would ensue for decades trying to repeal the Second Amendment. Why not?

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