Larry Wilmore Whacks GOP Candidates For Acting Surprised About Trump's Muslim Rhetoric

The Nightly Show's cast has finally had enough of making fun of Donald Trump and Larry Wilmore has had enough of the other candidates pretending to be surprised about how over the top his hateful rhetoric has become.

The Nightly Show's Larry Wilmore opened his show this Tuesday night with a look at Donald Trump's latest remarks about keeping all Muslims out of the country, and the fact that it was enough to finally unite most Republicans and even "former human being and current Frankenstein monster's attempt at a Frankenstein monster Dick Cheney" in speaking out against him. Wilmore pointed out the obvious that "if Cheney is against you, you're really out there."

Things started to go awry for Wilmore however, when he tried to get his cast to join in with mocking Donald Trump. From regulars Mike Yard, to Ricky Velez, to even the Trump troll doll, they were all in agreement that it's just not funny any more making jokes about Trump, and rather than mock Trump, they were all ready to tell him to go fuck off instead.

Of course, as Wilmore sadly noted, there are still Trump supporters out there who thought what he said was perfectly fine, to which he responded:

WILMORE: Let me just say this. This is ugly. That's the only word I can come up with for this. Ugly. And to the GOP candidates and opponents who are calling him out now, "I can't believe he said this. This was building up." No. Stop acting like you're so fucking surprised. Just stop it!

Trump's been saying this shit since the day he announced back in June and called Mexicans racists. Alright? That's how he began his campaign, and when people tell you who they are, believe them.

Trump, you had me at Mexican racists. That's all I'm saying. Look, this is a country that was founded by people who fled religious persecution, so banning people based on religion goes against the very fabric of this country.

And by the way, when you become the president, you swear to uphold the Constitution, and this is what the Constitution is about. You know, I agree with my cast. Fuck you Trump.

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