Megyn Kelly Attacks 'Liberal Media' For 'Biased' Planned Parenthood Coverage

A right-wing, pro-forced birth maniac shoots up innocent people and Kelly thinks the media is irresponsible to lend credence to the culpability of dangerous rhetoric

After the horrific mass shooting on November 27 at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood facility, there's no question that Fox 'News' and the rest of right-wing, fake outrage machine has some of the blood on their hands. The fact that the well-armed madman was uttering the very same lies that Republicans, especially GOP Presidential Candidates have repeated, points to the culpability of their perilous rhetoric. Texas Democratic Senator, Wendy Davis, said it well.

"...We do know that when he (shooter Robert Lewis Dear) was taken into custody, he talked about dead baby parts. This is part of a political rhetoric, a very dangerous political rhetoric, that we’ve been hearing from most candidates on the Republican presidential primary side, and I think it is fueling this kind of behavior that we saw in this individual last week.”

The dishonest people on the right, including Megyn Kelly, will go to any lengths to flip the script and somehow blame the pro-choice movement for their own atrocious hate speech. It's unfathomable to those with a penchant for logic and reason that an incendiary video which has been proven false by many credible sources is still being discussed as a veracious piece of documentary film-making. it's really no big deal to the pro-forced birth crowd that this is the general consensus on the work of deception by the allegedly pro-life (pro-gun proliferation, pro-death penalty).

"The videos purport to show, and the accompanying press releases allege, that Planned Parenthood is illegally selling fetal tissue and altering abortion procedures in order to profit from the sale of fetal tissue. Scores of media outlets have reported that the combined footage shows no illegal behavior by, or on behalf of, Planned Parenthood, and that the words of Planned Parenthood personnel who were secretly filmed have been "grossly [taken] out of context."

Megyn Kelly is operating on the premise that Dave Daleiden's Center for Medical Progress video is 100% authentic, and claims that the media barely has barely covered these monumentally important videos. She's appalled that people have suggested that the videos were heavily edited and thus, are completely inauthentic. That's because it's what the decided narrative on the Right has been since this atrocious hit-job surfaced on such an important women's health provider like Planned Parenthood. Make no mistake, Megyn Kelly has access to the truth, yet she chooses to base her argument on this fallacy.

She plays several clips from sources that are, by no means, leftist or liberal, who all ask if the rhetoric has gotten out of hand. Kelly repeats the word rhetoric as if it's the most preposterous notion, as if the idea of hate speech has never had consequences. Tiller the Baby Killer, a nasty nickname for Doctor George Tiller, repeated scores of times by Bill O'Reilly, had nothing to do with the man being gunned down in church in front of his family, right Megyn?

Even with such a tumultuous history, O'Reilly is still asserting that Planned Parenthood is dealing in baby body parts, who cares about the truth? No one at Fox 'News,' save maybe Shep Smith, is interested much in facts. The liberals they put on to 'balance' things out are always greatly outnumbered by the loudmouth Republican liars, so they have minimal impact on their audience, who live in the right-wing bubble.

Erick Erickson in an article on Erick on the Radio claims that his own rhetoric is not the least bit inflammatory. What could possibly happen when he says things like,

'Planned Parenthood butchers millions of children. Three people died at the Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado. Every single one of those millions plus three lives is a tragedy and outrage.'

What's the tragedy with regards to the people who legally choose to terminate a pregnancy, or actually in most cases, simply obtain contraception to prevent a pregnancy? The recent rash of babies abandoned by their mothers is a far greater tragedy, as is the millions of foster children who struggle to live happy lives with different families than their own. I don't see these pro-lifers lining up to adopt these kids.

Chris Stirewalt is especially floored by CNN anchor, Carol Costello, whose line of questioning was, in his opinion, 'colossally stupid.' In the last clip Megyn aired, Costello asked,

'Is it this rhetoric that is fueling these mentally unbalanced people to act?'

STIREWALT: Should you be talking about this issue that you care deeply about and with which 40% or 45% of the public agrees with you that abortion is wrong, and the federal government shouldn't be giving taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, do you think you, Mike Huckabee or whomever, or any Republican Candidate, shouldn't be talking about the subject in case, a guy that lives in a camper in the middle of nowhere and is evidently very unwell, takes it the wrong way and does something? What a cockamamie line of questioning!

MEGYN KELLY (to Howie Kurtz): "You tell me, is this not evidence of the bias of some of these reporters who are on the pro-choice side and think any expression of the anti-abortion or the pro-life stance, is angry rhetoric; if you use the term baby killers, which the pro-life people believe abortion is, that's the hateful rhetoric, that's the hateful rhetoric they want to pin this crime on."

Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains CEO Vicki Cowart said that anti-abortion “extremists” have created a “poisonous environment that feeds domestic terrorism in this country.” Domestic terrorism is a figment of the pro-choice movement's imagination, because these folks are White. Therefore, they are not terrorists. They are mentally unstable people, who are NEVER influenced by hateful rhetoric, because Megyn Kelly said so.

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