Now We Have To Worry About Copy-Cat Trumps

Dumbing down as a political tactic is not new to Republicans but they are digging plum through to China on this one.

Now We Have To Worry About Copy-Cat Trumps

In a move that sends shivers up, down, and sideways your spine, the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee wants all the Republican senatorial candidates to be mini-Trump.

In a seven-page confidential memo that imagines Trump as the party’s presidential nominee, the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee urges candidates to adopt many of Trump’s tactics, issues and approaches — right down to adjusting the way they dress and how they use Twitter.

Oh dear Lord, is there room for that much bombastic ignorance in America, or will we need to annex South America to make room?

You can read the whole dumb memo right here.

Dumbing down as a political tactic is not new to Republicans but they are digging plum through to China on this one.

Still, Baker sees limits to being like Trump. He writes that it is prudent for Senate candidates to craft their own political brands distinct from Trump’s and to distance themselves by quickly condemning his more controversial comments, such as “wacky things about women.”

Ya think? Ya really think?

Yesterday Trump said that he wants to execute the families of terrorists. Oh hell, Senate candidates, why stop there? Let’s dig up their grandparents and re-kill ‘um. Kinda give them a booster shot of death just to make sure they aren’t faking it.

The NRSC has a solution. Of sorts.

“It is certain that all GOP candidates will be tied in some way to our nominee, but we need not be tied to him so closely that we have to engage in permanent cleanup or distancing maneuvers,” Baker writes, adding, “Don’t get drawn into every Trump statement and every Trump dust-up.”

So GOP candidates should walk on a string over the Grand Canyon of really bad ideas?

This is going to be such fun.

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