There's No Double Standard When It Comes To Islamic Terrorism
Christian Terrorism is a myth. But I'm sure Jeffress believes Noah's Ark tale is absolutely true.
It's a valid question, one that any Christian-American pastor or priest should be able to answer,
COLMES: What happened at Planned Parenthood, is that an act of Christian Terrorism?'
Alan Colmes presented Fox 'News' holy man, Pastor Robert Jeffress with this valid question.
JEFFRESS: I wouldn't call it Christian Terrorism, I'd call it murder. It's absolutely wrong to kill anybody for any reason.
I suppose the only exception to this rule, for men of the cloth like Pastor Jeffress, would be those audacious gay rights advocates who want the same rights as 'normal' people.
One of the signs of the impending End Times, according to Jeffress, is the success of the gay rights movement, which he claimed is making people “desensitized” to the persecution of Christians and “will pave the way for that future world dictator, the Antichrist, to persecute and martyr Christians without any repercussions whatsoever.”
The Right Wing can't openly admit that hateful rhetoric is even slightly culpable for violence, but we all know damned well that is patently false. GOP Presidential Candidates, Cruz, Huckabee and former candidate Piyush Jindal were pleased as punch to be introduced by 'Kill The Gays' rally host, Pastor Kevin Swanson.
COLMES: 'Why is it that we're very quick to label things Islamic Terrorism but we're less ready to call an attack on an abortion clinic or Planned Parenthood Christian Terrorism? Is there a double standard?'
The Texas megachurch pastor believes that Mohammed is the Prince of War, and the faith is so very wrong, so evil. Alan explains that you can cherry pick parts of the Bible, just like you can blame the Koran for acts of violence. He mentions specifically The Koran, Section 5:32 which has no impact on Jeffress, who can't stop calling Islam the work of Satan.
Shortly after November 13's atrocities in Paris,
the (Paris) attackers were acting in accordance to Islam. Jeffress wrote, “We all individually want to love Muslims and do everything we can to lead them to faith in Jesus Christ,” Jeffress said, “but, … we’ve got to lay aside political correctness and say what is the truth, and that is these eight suicide bombers in Paris were not acting in opposition to Islam faith, they were acting in concert with what Islam teaches.”
Jeffress explains to Alan that Christians today identify themselves with the New Testament, except for all the parts of brutality, murder and incest (to name a few) that pastors, like Jeffress, seem to favor when it comes to homosexuality. Jesus said absolutely nothing about the OT's (Book of Leviticus) proclamation of the sin of homosexuality, or like Pastor Swanson, 'killing the gays.' Swanson, Jeffress and many other men of gawd have a disturbing fascination with the blood lust of the Old Testament.
The Texas Pastor makes it crystal clear that any religion that doesn't lead believers to the path of the Lord Jesus Christ are the work of Satan, who is clearly leading people astray. Pastor Jeffress, who says that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ, is not engaging in hate speech, which is the basis for all of Islam. Judaism, is the fore-runner of Christianity, and the Bible's top three Jews all preached that salvation is only achieved by following Jesus.
Finally, Colmes asks him his opinion on the unique brand of Christianity professed by Donald Trump. He respects the leadership Trump commands, but he disagrees with the idea of a Muslim Registry or the use of a Mosque as a sanctuary of sorts. He sure as hell won't condemn Trump, a piss poor excuse for a follower of Jesus' Gospel, because there's nothing more important to a megachurch pastor than the Almighty Dollar, not the Golden Rule.