Trevor Noah Shreds A**hole Ted Cruz Following San Bernardino Shooting

A-hole Tailgunner Ted got the treatment he deserved given his reaction to the shooting in San Bernardino this week.

A-hole Tailgunner Ted got the treatment he deserved given his reaction to the shooting in San Bernardino this week.

Trevor Noah Absolutely SHREDS ‘A**hole’ Ted Cruz Into Hundreds Of Douchey Pieces:

In the wake of yet another mass shooting, comedy shows like The Daily Show are continuously left to try to offer solace in the face of tragedy, offering honest humor as best they can. However, sometimes these shows just need to tell it like it is and go after those who are seemingly and utterly heartless. People like Senator Ted Cruz, who also happens to be running for President of the United States. [...]

Noah then spoke about the fact that the gun control debate is, yet again, reignited, and that President Obama has had to speak time and time again over the past six years after each and every mass shooting. Noah also pointed out how much it has seemed to have aged the president, showing a picture of Obama at the beginning of his first term next to a picture of him now.

Noah even went so far as to say, “at least we have found the answer to the amount of pressure under which black does crack.” However, he offered a solution to this rapid aging dilemma. He suggested Obama do what Republican Senator Mitch McConnell does, because he has “barely aged in the past six years and all he’s had to do about mass shootings is take no steps whatsoever.”

However, Noah saved his best roasting for that of Sen. Ted Cruz. You see, Cruz thought it wise to promote a shooting event to be held at a gun range only hours after the massacre in San Bernardino occurred. Noah, absolutely ripped the senator to shreds, saying:

“Yeah, 14 people just lost their lives in a shooting, and Ted Cruz’s first thought is, ‘Oh, that reminds me, got to send out my invites to my gun party’… That seems like something you would only do if you were an asshole, which it turns out is exactly what voters are looking for.”

They piled on him during their second segment as well, where they featured some of the footage below:

While Noah pilloried Cruz on camera, the show’s Tumblr page is inviting viewers to post their own short videos based on the hours of awkward campaign ad outtakes the senator’s campaign posted online using the tag #CruzYourOwnAdventure. Some viewer posts will then be shared on the Daily Show account.

Meanwhile, the show has already posted some of its own Cruz ad “remixes,” including “Senator Dad,” takes the Texas Tea Party favorite and places him into a family sitcom, complete with laugh track:

“Cruz Control” takes a decidedly more sinister tone:

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