Trump Accuses Clinton Of 'Having No Stamina'

From the man who complained that the GOP debates were too long.

From the man who complained that the GOP debates were too long: Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Politifact later ruled that there was "no evidence" to support Clinton's statement, which Trump noted in his interview with NBC News' "Meet the Press."

"She lies like crazy about everything, whether it's trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane, she's a liar and everybody knows that," Trump said. "But she just made this up in thin air."

Host Chuck Todd asked Trump if he would change his language if he knew his words were being used in recruitment videos.

"No, because I think that my words represent toughness and strength," Trump said. "Hillary's not strong, Hillary's weak, frankly."

Here's the rest of the quote from Trump:

I think my words represent toughness and strength. Hillary’s not strength. Hillary’s weak, frankly, she’s got no stamina, she’s got nothing….she couldn’t even get back on the stage. Nobody even knows what happened to her. It’s like she went home and went to sleep….She couldn’t get back on the stage last night I’ll tell you why. Because we need a president with great strength and stamina and Hillary doesn’t have that. We can not have another bad president like we have right now. We need a president with tremendous intelligence, smarts, cunning, strength, and stamina.

When Trump manages to make it through eleven hours of a GOP witch hunt as Clinton did, he can talk about someone else's "stamina." Clinton may not have any proof that anyone is making videos of Trump for ISIS recruitment just yet, but as the Politifact article noted, there's plenty of evidence he's helping their cause. Trump of course, is never going to admit he's made a mistake, ever, as he proved once again here.

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