Trump Spox: Obama Has Failed Because We Have 'Black Lives Matter'

A Black President and that's not enough for these Black Lives Matter protesters?

How 'bout a little stupid and crazy for brunch today? On Saturday's CNN Newsroom we got to sample the incredibly bizarre, national Spokeswoman for the Donald Trump campaign, Katrina Pierson. Formerly a loyalist to Senator Ted Cruz, and Tea Party zealot, Pierson pledged her commitment to the Trump campaign in September, raising more than a few eyebrows in the Lone Star State, where she resides. Along with Host, Frederika Whitfield and Democratic Strategist, Bob Beckel, we see her flaunt her wild plumage, and folks, this is just the beginning of the lunacy with this woman.

First off, if you remember the 2012 Texas Senate race, you'd remember Katrina. She was Ted Cruz's biggest cheerleader. So why the switch? In a recent interview with the Dallas Morning News, she was asked, 'Can Trump compete in Texas against Ted Cruz?

“We do have a lot of conservative grassroots people supporting Mr. Trump because they think it’s important to have someone who’s not politically correct, who stands up to the media. At the same time, they like the idea of having a constitutional conservative in the Senate guiding the process and legislation the way it needs to go. Some of the fights the senator has had in the Senate have helped shaped policy, and that’s one of the things Texans appreciate.”

Spin cycle and word salad equals competent campaign spokesperson, if you're Donald Trump. He was so impressed with this woman, who could be classified as a loser because she lost her primary challenge race to Pete Sessions in the run up to the 2014 mid-terms, he made her his national voice. She doesn't bother with all that politically correct nonsense, she is totally fine with her equal opportunity offender-boss's words.

The discussion at hand is with regards to the climate created by Trump and the protests that erupt and are quickly quashed at his rallies. Beckel starts things off by observing that at least people aren't being beat up at rallies with approval from the reality TV star. His crowds are impressive though, but it's worth noting that it's mainly a White demographic nonetheless.

Pierson countered with a defense of the rally where the man was assaulted, it was self-defense. The talking points flowed like whine: Our borders are wide open, infiltration of ISIS, this should have all been done fifteen years ago. The DREAMers are here illegally. When Bob challenged her boss to name four Executive Orders issued by President Obama, her natural instincts took over and helped her change the subject rather adeptly. And what's the best issue to turn it towards? To guns, that's where.

This President is currently now, trying to take away Second Amendment Rights by Executive Order, and you can't do that, Bob.

Beckel cautions her boss to watch out for the Evangelical insults towards Ted Cruz, it could prove dangerous. Frederika wants Katrina's opinion of the Trump effect.

WHITFIELD: Are we seeing more divisiveness in this race or more unity Katrina?... Is this healthy, is this good for the political process, is this good for America? How do you assess this?

PIERSON: We're having discussions that we haven't had in decades, and I don't think it's just on the Republican side. When you have the Black Lives Matter protesters interrupt a Hillary Clinton speech, I think it goes without saying that there's a lot of sentiment in this country where its leaders have failed them miserably on both sides of the aisle. So I do think it's healthy that we're having this discussion particularly with regards to national security, and people who feel like they're being ignored.

We have a black president for the last seven, almost eight years, and we're having BLM protests? And we look at what's happening with Chicago with Rahm Emanuel. There is something going on in this country and the people feel it intrinsically and all of them are ready to speak out.

Beckel notes that a rally of 4,000 screaming Trump supporters is not exactly a discussion. Whitfield explains that he has really put forth no specifics. But Pierson claims it's sufficient because hes the only one putting forth his vision. Everyone is just basing their campaigns on countering Donald Trump, while he is the only one tapping into the people's fears, the Republican, crazy, xenophobic, hate-filled fears that he exploits better than anyone, for the time being.

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