Trump Whines To Fox And Friends About His Politifact Lies Of The Year

The biggest liar of 2015 claims that the Whitewater 'scandal' is a more egregious than his own denunciation of all Muslims.

Tuesday was a momentous day for the current blonde female member of the curvy Fox and Friends' couch. It was the final day for Barbara Walter's protegé, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, as the female host of the GOP propaganda program, where she's shown herself to be a friend to all Republicans, a jingoistic nationalist and a devout and sanctimonious follower of her version of Christianity.

Now that her kids are in school full time, she's decided now is the time she needs to spend with her three children ages 6, 8 and 10? It's her life, and it's certainly her right to live it the way she chooses. Tearfully, she bid the show adieu to become, as she says, just another fan of talk show. Indeed, a fan of a show that's comprised of the verbal diarrhea of GOP guests, fake religious outrage and cries of Black on Black crime from the plethora of self-loathing guests. Must See TV indeed.

Elisabeth herself referenced the latest Trump 'phone-in' interview, as a 'book end' to her tenure at Fox and Friends, which lasted from September 16, 2013 until December 22, 2015. Normally, Trump had a segment that regularly aired on Mondays, but Tuesday's interview marked the conclusion to the slightly more than two years of her shameless fawning over the vitriolic, vulgar, front-runner of Hasselbeck's beloved Republican Party.

The Curvy Couch's trained monkeys seemed to make the perfect echo chamber for the faux outrage that Donald Trump is feeling over winning the not-so-coveted title of stating (often) Politifact's Lie(s) of the Year for 2015.

Fresh off his most offensively misogynist and hateful comments to date, as liars are wont to do, The Donald was downright ebullient at the idea that someone else is the dirty liar. Hillary's assertion that ISIS will likely be using his exact anti-Muslim rhetoric as a recruiting tool for the barbaric and hateful group has not yet surfaced. But we all know damned well that it's just a matter of time before the man's demonizing of the world's second most popular religion will be used against Americans worldwide, and here in the United States.

The bloviating, peach-colored buffoon labeled Politifact as a totally a 'left-wing group,' and he doubled down on the claim that thousands of Muslims were celebrating in the wake of September 11, 2001; this time he claimed that there were lots of tweets to that effect,. The problem with that idea is that Twitter did not launch until March, 2006, so the accuracy of that claim could easily be disputed. He droned on about his massive crowd sizes, with no mention of the frighteningly threatening and hateful nature of such gatherings.

When President Obama said if you like your insurance plan, under the ACA, you can keep it (provided it doesn't fall below the minimum standards of coverage, which were simply ridiculously inadequate, and 'Obamacare' prevented insurance companies from enrolling customers in useless policies that left them completely uncovered for real medical emergencies), this is what was considered 'left-wing' Politifact's Lie of the Year for 2013? I'd hate to see what they'd label as a right-wing conspiratorial claim.

Based on just a few of this year's Politifact entries, we can easily repudiate Donald's leftist slant idea. Earlier in 2015, in April, Dr. Ben Carson said that the U.S. spending on health care is double the nearest industrialized nation. As a result, 'liberal' Politifact labeled that claim 'Mostly False' as it is more like twice the 'average' of most industrialized nations, which are semantics, really.

The average spending for OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) nations is less than $3,500 per capita, according to 2013 OECD data. By comparison, the United States, at $8,745, is about 2.5 times the average. But Carson was referring to the "next closest nation," not the average nation.Working down from the United States, the "next closest nation" is Norway at $6,140 per capita. After that, it’s Switzerland at $6,080 per capita.

A few months later, in August, Bernie Sanders' claim that we double our nearest nation in per capita healthcare spending was labeled FALSE by Politifact,. The gist of Senator Sanders' claim was based on figures of roughly

$7,167 per capita, without question, this was significantly more than other countries. According to the OECD. Norway and Switzerland followed at $4,579 and $4,568, respectively,

which is pretty near double the cost, yet liberal Politifact practically called him a liar.

There's simply no way that this is a left-wing publication, Mr. Trump. Carson was treated with deferential kid gloves compared with the Democratic challenger. Sanders was denigrated, much like President Obama whose statement was conflated and taken out of context. Sounds an awful lot like Fair and Balanced Fox 'News,' doesn't it?

But no one, especially these three buffoons on the curvy couch, has treated Donald Trump with more undeserved adulation. Unfortunately, the fawning is likely to continue until it becomes too toxic for Roger Ailes to continue with the charade that this multiple bankruptcy-declaring 'tycoon' is worthy of the respect of GOP and its very own personal broadcasting arm, Fox 'News.' It appears Donald will miss the brown-nosing Elisabeth, who's, of course, 'terrific.'

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