When The Left Mirrors Right Wing Paranoia, Star Wars Edition
Just... stop.
Look, if I have to explain to you how much you sound like a Freeper if you're one of the idiots repeating this, I'm already wasting my breath and you should get back to InfoWars. Because yes, it makes a lot more sense to think Clinton's doing product placement for a movie THAT ALREADY BROKE EVERY BOX OFFICE RECORD EVER on its opening night!!!!
"Psst, Hillary: We already know this movie's going to be a flop, so we'd really appreciate it if you'd throw us a plug during a debate nobody's watching the Saturday before Christmas. Oh, and here's a million bucks for your trouble, even though it would have been cheaper to buy an ad." Uh huh:
Hillary Clinton saves dull #DemDebate with last minute #StarWars reference https://t.co/lhUNHOUFaD pic.twitter.com/47y9jQiCeE
— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) December 20, 2015
Clinton cross-promoting Disney's Star Wars brand after Disney's ABC lobbed her softballs for 2 hours is everything wrong w/ corporate media
— Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) December 20, 2015
J.J. Abrams and his wife gave $1 million to Clinton’s super PAC. Blatant conflicts of interest. https://t.co/G1XGK5rIqe
— OffTheKuff (@griffin_rick) December 20, 2015
right, because no one would have heard of J.J.'s little flick without Hilary Clinton's help pic.twitter.com/d8lWm9kOjG
— Obi-Wan Sbiroli (@Cyborg_Steve) December 20, 2015
Uh huh, Clinton quoted Star Wars because J.J. Abrams contributed campaign $$$. No way she did it because of the popularity of Star Wars.
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) December 20, 2015
At a debate on a Disney TV channel, Clinton promoted a Disney movie made by a Disney director who gave $1M to her super PAC.
— David Sirota (@davidsirota) December 20, 2015
@thehill @yoda Top lobbyist for Disney, who owns @ABC News, is a major Clinton donor & former exe director of @dccc https://t.co/13w4nHfXnB
— Bernie Press (@BernPress) December 20, 2015
'Does Hillary Clinton's Star Wars reference signal a secret msg. for a return of Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative?' -- Tinfoil Alternet
— Gus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@Gus_802) December 20, 2015