C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Billy Lee Riley
You're just radiating to me
Every January our city has a winter festival. One of the big draws for it is a lot of the area restaurants whip up batches of chili for it. Some are great and some just taste like they were bought from a food service company and then they added a spice or two to claim it's their own. A big contention with a few of them is that they were hesitant to bring any heat.
After sampling them all it reminded me that I make pretty awesome chili and haven't done so since early last spring. Mine doesn't set the brain on fire but it can't make someone break a sweat. I went and got all the fixins' and whipped up a batch today. I have a soundtrack every time I make chili. Red peppers are an ingredient so one naturally this song was on that soundtrack.
What are you listening to tonight?