Cruz Attacks Trump For Owing 'Millions Or Even Billions' In Unpaid Loans
The war of words continues to escalate between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump just ahead of the Iowa caucuses.
The war of words continues to escalate between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump just ahead of the Iowa caucuses. Cruz knows he needs to do well there or he's probably toast. All I know is that it warms my heart to see these guys eating their own.
Cruz: Trump may owe ‘billions’ in loans:
Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz on Sunday said GOP front-runner Donald Trump owes “hundreds of millions or even billions” in unpaid loans.
“If you look at his financial disclosure, he owes at least $480 million right now, and it could be billions,” Cruz said on “Fox News Sunday.”
The Texas senator also said it was hypocritical for Trump to attack him due to his failure to disclose two bank loans during his 2012 run for Senate.
“He knows this loan story is complete nonsense,” Cruz said. “It’s also the height of chutzpah for someone who owes hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars, to attack Heidi and me because we put our life savings into running for Senate.”
“And by the way, with loans, when Heidi and I take loans, we pay them back,” he added. “Donald has declared bankruptcy four times. So for him to sit there owing hundreds of millions or billions or who knows and to criticize Heidi and me for putting our entire net worth into the campaign is astonishing.”