Fox Faux Liberal Admits She Hates Hillary Clinton
One week after Fox faux liberal Eboni Williams gushed over Donald Trump, she went on a gratuitous tear against Hillary Clinton, while appearing on the Hannity show.
One week after Fox faux liberal Eboni Williams gushed over Donald Trump, she went on a gratuitous tear against Hillary Clinton, while appearing on the Hannity show.
Recently, I noted that while Williams claims to "fall left on most issues," she went on Hannity and couldn't seem to think of a single thing wrong with Donald Trump's attacks on Hillary Clinton over Bill Clinton's sexcapades - other than the fact that Bill is so popular, it might make people forget how boring and uncharismatic Hillary is. I kid you not. I also predicted that Williams had just ensured lots more Fox News hits.
Sure enough, Williams was back on Hannity a week later. This time, she volunteered all the reasons she "could not vote" for Hillary Clinton.
The discussion this time was a blatant ploy by host Sean Hannity to promote and validate Trump's attacks on Hillary Clinton's feminism.
HANNITY: So as Hillary plays the feminist agenda card with that new ad, Donald Trump posted an Instagram video showing that Clinton may not be the model of modern feminism that her campaign makes her out to be. Take a look.
The two guests, there "for reaction" were "Republican strategist Mercedes Schlapp and Fox News contributor Eboni Williams." The implication was that Williams would balance Schlapp. But Williams was really there to play the "Even liberals hate Hillary!" card. It started with Williams attacking Bill Clinton's response to Trump's video, but she deliberately changed the subject to attacking Hillary Clinton - and praising Donald Trump:
WILLIAMS: He's dodging. He's dodging. He's not been effective in answer to that. And I think there's...
HANNITY: Well, he was stammering. He couldn't answer it. I never saw Bill Clinton quiet for five seconds.
WILLIAMS: Yes. Big Dog was a little quiet, huh? Yes, here's the hypocrisy that we can probably can all agree on. She's also taken money from Saudi Arabia. You know, she's also saying, you know, with her law firm experience that she was advocating for women's, you know, rights around certain issues. ...
WILLIAMS: Well, you know, you we agree on this issue. I'm no fan of her leadership at all. So again, that hypocrisy I think is where Trump...
HANNITY: Wait. So...
WILLIAMS: He really resonates.
HANNITY: You supported Barack Obama twice.
HANNITY: All right. But could you vote for Hillary?
WILLIAMS: No. Not only could I not vote for her, I will not vote for her.
WILLIAMS: Because there is something so visceral that I have to her inauthenticity. I do not believe she's running for president for the right reasons. In that ad, Sean, it was such a clear agenda, vote for me because I am a woman. And as a woman, I am offended by that. Like I said, we've had this conversation...
And yet, "as a woman' - and a woman of color, at that - Williams is only offended by the Clintons and not, say, Donald Trump's bigotry, his sexism nor his support for protesters beating up a Black Lives Matter protester.
Watch the segment above from the Jan. 7th Hannity show.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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