Laura Ingraham Calls Bill Clinton 'Really Yesterday, Kinda Old'

The media is in the tank for the Clintons, The MSM is too jealous of Trump and Cruz.

Campaign season is in full swing, especially now that Bubba is back on the stump for his wife, Secretary Clinton. The Right Wing is salivating over the prospect of discussing the titillating details of President Clinton's sexual dalliances from the 1990's again, and no one more so than Laura Ingraham.

In her weekly Fox and Friends appearance, Ingraham was asked about her opinion of Bill Clinton's stump speech on behalf of his wife yesterday in Exeter, New Hampshire.

Ingraham mentioned the speaking fees earned by the former President Clinton, yet forgets what GWB was paid when he spoke to a large room full of disabled veterans. These were the same veterans whom he helped create, and still, he charged a charity to benefit wounded vets from Iraq and Afghanistan, earning $100,000 in speaking fees. Unlike Rhodes Scholar William Jefferson Clinton, W likely failed to form a single grammatically correct sentence or complete thought.

Ingraham thinks the herd mentality of the media is giving Clinton more props than he deserves. It's not as if the man ever accomplished anything, right? He didn't invade and occupy a country, something Donald Trump would call low energy, so how could he be considered successful? Ingraham remarked,

When they ask me were you impressed with Bill Clinton's speech? No, I was not, but then again, I'm not Andrea Mitchell or one of those people.

Ingraham attempted to show her superior intellect and continued,

This is the type of *bromidial reporting that I think people are reacting to in the rise of the 'outsider candidates,' Cruz and Trump. And people are beginning to see through this, and, and, so I think the luster of the Clintons has worn off. And then when you look at the substance, where of course, Bill Clinton gave a $200K speech to Goldman Sachs just a few weeks before Goldman Sachs was lobbying before the State Department.

Steve Doocy praised her use of the word *bromidial, even though the word is derived from a British military myth and her usage of the questionably valid word simply doesn't make any sense.

It was often alleged about the British Army that the dampening of the sexual ardour in young military recruits was caused by bromide being put into the tea! (It wasn't)

I mean no disrespect to monkeys, but trained-monkey-on-the couch Brian Kilmeade was incensed that President Clinton dodged the question regarding how Trump is assailing him for his own 'scandals.' None of Clinton's Republican-induced scandals caused this nation any measurable embarrassment on an international level. Yet Kilmeade can't remember a single smidgen of worldwide humiliation caused by the willful ignorance and cocky bravado of the Bush 43 Administration. We don't know if that's a medical issue, or the standard policy of mandatory amnesia for all Fox 'News' employees.

Gun control efforts are about 'amassing power and generating a national database on gun owners.' Abiding by her Fox contract, Ingraham brings up Chicago's murder rate, forgetting the Windy City borders on the ammosexual paradise of Indiana. The problem is family breakdown, illegal border crossings, etc., it couldn't possibly be the ease one can acquire a military-style assault rifle, now, could it?

Apparently, Ingraham believes that Carly Fiorina is the quintessential sage when it comes to women. (White) women aren't the angriest according to the latest Esquire-Survey Monkey Poll on account of all that right-wing fear-mongering. They are angry because of the government trying to usurp power from their lives. It seems this Kenyan Usurper in the White House seems to irk Republican women the most, imagine that? I suppose Ingraham is a perfect example of GOP angry females, so she knows how outraged women should be, especially self-loathing, Republican women.

Ingraham and Fiorina should have a drink and solve all of our problems! Neither of their voices would be the slightest bit irritating, I'm certain of that. They can lament over those sensible Democrats with just the right amount of invective speech, unlike those bromidial reporters.

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