Michele Bachmann Fearmongers Over Returning Gitmo Land To Cuba

Returning Gitmo to Cuba is like giving the land to Iran or China.

Chris Matthews asked former Minnesota Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann what her take is on the controversy surrounding Ted Cruz's natural born citizenship. You'd think she'd be as skeptical as she was about President Obama, who was clearly born in the U.S.A. and whose mother is also, definitely, a U.S. citizen. But of course, she extends all courtesy to the fundamentalist zealot who shares a common trait with her: he's White.

Obviously a fan of Ted Cruz, she says:

I don't think he's afraid of this question at all, he is a constitutional scholar (like the president) and he'll stand up and he'll give the answer...I think he will have an answer for the voters.

She wanted to share her predictions of the first 2016 GOP debate. Tweety let her speak her opinions -- without any interruptions, of course.

BACHMANN: These candidates want to give an answer to the state of the union address. These people were not real happy with that state of the union address. So I think you're going to hear these candidates give kind of their own form of the state of the union.

The other thing I think you're going to hear a lot about is this huge issue that happened this week with Iran, taking those ten soldiers hostage and the other thing I think you're going to hear, is Gitmo. You're going to hear a lot about Gitmo, because we just had ten terrorists released from Gitmo to Oman. They're ten Yemenis terrorists that were released. That will be an issue.

And the big question that's in everyone's heart is this. Will President Obama give the land at Gitmo to the communists in Cuba? Will he give it to them? Because if he gives it to them, you might as well consider that he's giving it to either the Iranians, the Russians or the Chinese and we could have in our own backyard, ninety miles from Cuba, a malevolent force that has a physical presence for the first time. That's a big issue.

MATTHEWS: Well, Cuba is already there. We can't move it away.

The likelihood of Bachmann understanding the Cuban Missile Crisis, or any history for that matter, is pretty slim. She also doesn't seem to understand that normalizing relations with other countries and practicing diplomacy decreases the likelihood of hostility and potential conflict. Unfortunately, that is viewed as a negative by Republicans, because war is the only way Republicans can exploit misdirected jingoism to garner a political win.

Plus, war makes them very wealthy.

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