‘Patriotic’ Hannity Upset Obama Didn’t Threaten To ‘Bomb The Living Crap’ Out Of Iran

On his radio show this Wednesday, Hannity seemed to think that the taking of the Americans was all the grounds he needed to start that war with Iran he’s been salivating for.

Thanks to good diplomacy, 10 U.S. sailors were released by Iran after a brief detention. But instead of cheering the sailors’ safe return, “Great American” Sean Hannity complained that Obama didn’t threaten to kick some a** and perhaps wreak some more death and destruction.

On his radio show this Wednesday, Hannity seemed to think that the taking of the Americans was all the grounds he needed to start that war with Iran he’s been salivating for.

HANNITY: I don't know if you've seen the new video of the Iranians taking Americans hostage, and covering this female sailor's head, the way they did. And like, handcuffing them, hands behind their back, and everything else that they did. You know, the president, this is still ongoing, doesn't even mention it. John Kerry apparently thanked the Iranians. "Oh thank you so much for releasing our sailors, oh we're so sorry they went into your territory!"

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) actually nailed this. …It's humiliating for Obama, who doesn't even mention it during the State of the Union. Then you have stupid remarks by people like Rep. Nancy Pelosi crediting the Iranian deal for the sailors’ release. I'm like, "where do you get this kind of logic? Where does this come from?" You know, I don't think the Iranians would do this - we have 10 U.S. sailors detained for hours and hours on Friday, I'm sorry on yesterday, last night. Who are the Iranians to take our sailors hostage and to cover a female sailor's head and to treat them the way they did, like they're criminals?

Anyway so they finally returned, I guess at some point at eight this morning they finally were released and the sailors were later transferred ashore on a U.S. Navy aircraft and instead of kissing their asses the way Obama and John Kerry do, why didn't they just send the message, you either let those people out in the next three hours or we're going to bomb the living crap out of you.

Notice anything missing from this rant? Like gladness and relief that our sailors were released unharmed? Where’s that love for our men and women in uniform that Hannity flaunts when it's convenient?

I’ll tell you where it is, subsumed by Hannity's lust for war with Iran. From a guy who never spent one minute putting his own flabby fanny on the line for this country.

Meanwhile, the Great Chickenhawk attacked the Obama administration’s diplomacy – as if safe and sound sailors were some kind of bad outcome.

Hannity should be ashamed of himself.

Listen to his disgraceful rant below, from the January 13 The Sean Hannity Show, via Media Matters.

Hannity image by Nina Brodsky.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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