Poor Greg Abbott

Shuddup, Governor.

You know that sound of a hungry child banging his spoon on the high chair tray? That’s Greg Abbott, and like the child, he has himself so worked-up that he doesn’t know what he wants.

After the horrifying tornados in Texas, Abbott went hat in hand to the man be believes wants to invade Texas. Abbott begged President Obama for money to help Texas. That’s the same Abbott who won’t take money for health care for Texans, causing more people to die weekly than died in the tornados.

The minute Obama handed Abbott the emergency money, Abbott bit his hand.

Abbott said, “Bring it on!” to the man who commands the largest military on the face of the earth.

Following the President address about gun control, Abbott tweeted this —

Damn, Governor, what ya gonna do? Pee in his swimming pool? Check out tacky romance novels from the library in his name? Declare Sarah Palin president? Cry and bang your spoon in his ear?

Governor, I hate to be the one to tell you, but Darlin’, you’re outgunned, outsmarted, and outclassed. All the truly gun nuts are holed up in Utah, so Obama has you just where he wants you. Your Texas Guard won’t get passed Lackland Air Force Base, even if they could find the keys to the armory.

Do you forget that this is the dude who found and killed Osama bin Laden?

Shuddup, Governor.

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