The Federalist's Ben Domenech: 'Both Sides Are Responsible For Donald Trump'

RedState.com co-founder and plagiarist, Ben Domenech is absolutely deluded as to who created Franken-Trump.

Poor Box Turtle Ben Domenech, the once-disgraced plagiarist and co-founder of RedState group blog, is neck deep in both-siderist delusion. For no other reason than to stir up make-believe controversy, Chris Hayes allows this Ted Cruz fanboy and current publisher of The Federalist,to pontificate on the network that is supposed to 'lean left.' Unfortunately for the dying estate of journalism, lean left is actually a euphemism for the visions of ratings-hungry Andy Lack, who could easily pass as a Fox 'News' director of sorts.

The recent edition of he National Review has created a flurry of controversy amidst a blizzard (aka sh*tstorm) on the right, symbolic of their culpability for the creation of Franken-Trump. The characterization of President Obama as an authoritarian dictator has created fanaticism that is nothing more than a racist display of jealous rage. The conditions were created to build the hateful monster on January 20, 2009. But Ben is a typical representation of those living in the highly deluded incubus of the right-wing, who think every problem has a cause that originates on both sides of the aisle. Thus, he takes no responsibility for something he has most assuredly created.

Hayes sets the stage by reviewing Domenech's words he wrote in the recent edition of the National Review.

The case for constitutional limited government is the case against Donald Trump. To the degree we take him at his word — understanding that Trump is a negotiator whose positions are often purposefully deceptive — what he advocates is a rejection of our Madisonian inheritance and an embrace of Barack Obama’s authoritarianism.

Futilely, Hayes attempts to enlighten Box Turtle that his Republican Party's crazy Tea Party rhetoric for the last seven years has created the perfect storm for Dumpster Fire, Donald Trump. Domenech was hearing none of that, because he subscribes to the wild notion that President Obama acts unilaterally and deserves at least half of the blame. Ben forms his convoluted thinking with a little help from his friends, more specifically an article from a conservative magazine that uses the White Supremacist publication, VDare as an anti-immigration reference. Unlike his predecessors, President Obama is an autocratic cult of personality. Domenech retweeted this hideous reference from Noah Rothman in Commentary:

It was President Barack Obama and his fans who led America into a culture of celebrity worship. It wasn’t George W. Bush or even Bill Clinton who seemed more comfortable on the set of a late-night comedy program than he did in the Oval Office. It was Barack Obama’s vaunted “pen and phone” and his party-line style of governance that engendered such antipathy toward the traditional levers of constitutionalism and discredited responsible opposition.

No one has yet to come up with an example of our POTUS' blatant disregard for the Constitution. The perception that many on the Right and the "disaffected voter community" of Independents, Domenech asserts, is that the Obama Presidency is a capricious operation. In other words, he's BLACK! He's a foreigner, he's no Virginia Dare, the first English/White baby born in the American Colony. Domenech and his lackeys would never say where there antipathy originates, and dances around the issue with the familiar alacrity of a professional dancer. Chris Hayes pressed on.

HAYES: Authoritarianism has a specific valance... The point is that many Conservatives have spent years talking of this president in apocalyptic terms (death panels). That is part of what has produced the groundwork for Donald Trump.

DOMENECH: Well, but I don't think that's something that's exclusive to one side or the other. I think both sides are responsible for Donald Trump.

Ben used the bailout enacted by Bush 43 as a reason for the financial disenfranchisement of the largely high-school graduate supporters of Trump, because they too want what Wall Street received. In his NR writings, Domenech draws a purely idiotic conclusion from that premise:

President Obama’s core domestic-policy agenda was designed to pull working- and middle-class voters left. It assumed that once they received the government’s redistributive largesse, they would be invested in maintaining it — and maintaining the Left in power. Trump’s rise bespeaks the utter failure of this program for the American working class: They have seen the Left’s agenda up close and do not believe it is good enough to make a nation great.

This is code for those Black, welfare recipients and Domenech actually agrees with this unfounded theory. He recognizes that Trump knows exactly how to play fiddle for the chumps by appealing to their visceral, carnal fears. He can't see that by justifying their idiotic mis-perceptions, he is the most complicit in building the monster.

Box Turtle seems most afraid of the fact that a governmental neophyte like Trump cannot possibly govern. Trump's labeling of 'elites' as 'stupid' bothers Domenech, because that includes him, of course. We could be equally delusional and assume that maybe he sees St. Ronnie as the failure he truly was. Not likely, and most people on the Left have control over our mental faculties when it comes to Republican Reagan worship. If Domenech really believed that, he'd be even more insidious than we think.

The problem with gambling on Donald Trump is thus: his entire platform and modus operandi assumes that he is sole perpetrator of all authority and his rubes assume he will use that power for good. They never imagine he has nefarious intentions, and their myopic, Pollyanna outlook is the scariest thing imaginable.

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