Stacey Dash Blames Obama For Lack Of Racial Diversity In Hollywood
8 years of Black President Barack Obama should end the need for BET, Black History Month and anything that excludes Whites.
You really gotta hand it to Fox and Friends: they find someone to counter popular opinion with their own touch of racist flair. This morning, one of their on-staff self-loathing Black commentators, Stacey Dash, gave her two cents about the #OscarsSoWhite controversy. She thinks it's going to hurt diversity if Black people boycott the event which she claims won't be harmed by their justified obstinance.
Most offensively, Dash doesn't seem to grasp the whole idea of inequality within the Hollywood Community. She has disdain for others of her African-American heritage who feel they deserve 'special' treatment. She says you either want integration or segregation, as if having shows to represent those who are CLEARLY marginalized by Hollywood is creating some cockamamie segregation. The utter insensitivity of this exchange is rather hard to digest, I must warn the reader. She has no idea that racial inequality exists in so many institutions, especially show business.
DASH: We need to get rid of BET, and the BET Awards or the Image Awards, where you're only awarded if you're black. If it were the other way around, we'd be up in arms. It's a double standard.
DOOCY: So you say there shouldn't be a BET Channel?
DASH: Just like there shouldn't be a Black History Month. We're Americans, period. That's it.
DOOCY: So you're saying there shouldn't be a Black History Month because there's not a White History Month?
DASH: Exactly. Exactly.
Then she claims that President Obama must have failed and caused this conundrum.
DASH: What I find astounding is that we've had a president who is Black, in office, for the past eight years. Most of his funding comes from the Liberal Elite in Hollywood, yet there are not many roles for people of color, how can that be? And why is it just now being addressed?
Because, Stacey, President Obama is trying to divide us, all the way down to our movie awards shows. He told the Academy to keep the Blacks out so he can have his minions like Al Sharpton and Spike Lee take to the airwaves and keep racial divide alive. That Kenyan Usurper in the White House has been planning this #OscarsSoWhite movement for eight years now, just to create the racial divide he so craves. Ugh. Gimme a break!