Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread

Who's spinning the news this week?

(The Nightly Show's Larry Wilmore takes on the double standard when it comes to how law enforcement treats black people as opposed to the wingnut Y'all Qaedas holed up in the national wildlife refuge in Oregon.)

Somehow I don't think the Bundy terrorists up in Oregon are going to get much attention on the bobblehead shows this Sunday, but we are going to get more of the same with the shows being dominated by Republicans as Rachel Maddow and her cohort Steve Benen recently discussed.

Once again, if it's Sunday, it's meet the Republicans. The trend of the outnumbered Democrats continues unabated. Here's the lineup for this week:

ABC's This Week: Guests: Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. and White House chief of staff Denis McDonough

Pundit Panel: Donna Brazile, Matthew Dowd, Hugh Hewitt and Tavis Smiley


NBC's Meet the Press: Guests: Denis McDonough; Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump; GOP strategist Alex Castellanos, and attorney Ben Ginsberg

Pundit Panel: Helene Cooper, Robert Costa, Jeff Greenfield and Jennifer Jacobs.


CBS' Face the Nation: Guests: House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.; Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton; Republican presidential candidates Chris Christie and Rand Paul

Pundit Panel: Peggy Noonan, Jamelle Bouie, Susan Page and Ed O'Keefe


CNN's State of the Union: Guests: McDonough; Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz.


Fox News Sunday: Guests: Donald Trump and Denis McDonough

Pundit Panel: George Will, Bob Woodward, Laura Ingraham and Juan Williams

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