Trump Spokeswoman Katrina Pierson Shrugs Off Racist Tweets

Trump's spokeswoman, sans the bullet festooned necklace, defends her own racist Tweets.

It's not just her boss, Donald Trump, who has a controversial Twitter problem, it's Katrina Pierson, his bullet necklace-adorned, Tea Party spokeswoman. Prior to yesterday's GOP Debate, minus the Donald, Jim Sciutto attempted some clarity on the matter, especially since Katrina herself has been called a 'half-breed' on the Twittersphere. He asked her about some of her racially inflammatory Twitter entries from the past. Two of which are right here:

Katrina believes that the unfair scrutiny of her own tweets is much like how the Trump faithful view the media's scrutiny of his daily controversies: they believe the 'liberal media' is far too critical of Mr. Trump. This is precisely why her boss declined to participate in last night's debate. She feels that liberals on Twitter and their heightened sensitivity and political correctness are making for a thin-skinned media. My goodness, where can you get away with being a bigot if not Twitter? From Raw Story:

PIERSON: “So of course you could pull any of those tweets out of one of those heated discussions because a lot of times it’s in the sphere of fighting off other liberal activists,” she said before launching into criticism of the question itself. “I got to tell you. It’s interesting that this has made some sort of news cycle when we have all of the things that are happening in the world, including a presidential race, to go back 36,000 tweets, pull them out of context of the discussion and try to make that a news story.”

On Sunday, CNN's Brian Stelter had an exchange with Pierson over her old tweets. She defended the self-loathing label she used on herself.

PIERSON: Look, these tweets––I’m an activist, and I am a half-breed, I’m always getting called a half-breed, and on Twitter, when you’re fighting with Twitter and even establishment, you go back at them in the same silliness they’re giving you. So I myself am a half-breed.

STELTER: You’re telling me that was just silliness?

PIERSON: Absolutely.

Pierson believes that we should discount and forget all the pain and suffering that painful racist labels have caused and are still causing today. Because her employer has tapped in to the hateful id of his base, anything and everything said by him or on his behalf are immune to criticism. Those of us who are more insightful can see that the Trump campaign's disavowal of political correctness is just a license for permitting unabashed racism, sexism and xenophobia.

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