Walker Is Still Making Excuses For Presidential Bid Failure

Of course, it's everyone else's fault Walker's a failure!

Scott Walker is traveling the state, granting New Year interviews in advance of his State of the State speech and laying the ground work for another run for governor. This, in itself, is not surprising or unusual. However, what does stand out is that Walker is only granting interviews only to TV reporters and is passing on any interviews with the reporters from newspapers.

The reason for this is pretty clear. With TV reporters, they don't have the time to fact check anything he says and he is able to get away with his lies, hypocrisy and false spin.

For example, on January 8th, Walker did an interview with Alex Hagan of WGBA:

Not a helluva lot:

Gov. Scott Walker spent an average of less than one hour per day doing state business during his short-lived presidential campaign, according to records released to FOX6 News.

Over his 71-day campaign, Walker's official monthly calendars include 57 hours of state business, or an average of 48 minutes per day. Many days, the governor's only Wisconsin-related agenda item was a brief morning teleconference with his staff.

Walker's office released the records to news outlets late Friday afternoon, when few people would be paying attention to them.

In contrast, Walker blocked off 809 hours over the same time period for other purposes, an average of 11 hours and 24 minutes per day. The calendars note it as "hold time" -- often from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. during the presidential campaign.

Walker's office didn't provide details on the governor's schedule during those times, although the times matched up with the governor's campaign schedule.

The report goes on to say that Walker's time governing went from 48 minutes a day to about five hours a day when after dropped out of the race. Not that you could prove it by anyone in Wisconsin.

But I don't know what is more astounding and scary - that Walker is starting to hint at running for a third term or that there are people foolish enough to support him.

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