Casino Mogul Steve Wynn Is Now Kissing Up To Donald Trump

The arch-enemy of Donald Trump is now one of his advisers?

It's very odd, as a resident of Las Vegas, to see Steve Wynn making nice to Donald J. Trump of all people. He appeared with Brett Baier last night to proclaim his loyalty to Trump and the Republican Party of Nevada. Apparently, Wynn has put his previously tumultuous relationship with Trump in the past.

Wynn is an outspoken fair weather Republican who clashed in 2014 with George Clooney in the Encore Hotel. The spat was over a dinner conversation gone awry, when Wynn called Clooney's POTUS friend an a**hole. This made his aversion to President Obama very clear.

For decades, Trump and Wynn were hardly considered friends. This is from a New York Magazine article from the late 1990's:

Steve Wynn, 56, and Donald Trump, 52, have been slugging it out for more than a decade. Theirs is an especially colorful, spleenful contempt, all too rare in modern-day big business. Larry Ellison hates Bill Gates, but the chairman of Oracle doesn’t run around calling the chairman of Microsoft “this scumbag,” as Trump does Wynn.

Trump seems to recycle his insults, as his criticism of Ben Carson sounded awfully familiar to this statement regarding Steve Wynn from that same New Yorker article:

“You know, I think Steve’s got a lot of psychological problems,” Trump says. “I think he’s quite disturbed. That’s just my feeling. I think he’s a very disturbed person” -- he pauses, groping for sincerity -- “sadly.”

Strangely enough, Wynn was recently on very good terms with the Clintons, hosting a Democratic debate back in October, but has never had any affinity for President Obama, obviously. He was also friendly with the Bernie Sanders camp. He even said he could support Hillary Clinton in the general election this November, as recently as that October 2015 debate. I suppose his political leanings are as capricious as the winds of Las Vegas.

Now, Steve Wynn is a hard-right Republican, blaming 'Washington' that frustrated working people are making 'eighty to ninety cents on the dollar' because of the exorbitant debt. Of course, he's failing to acknowledge the Republican Party, responsible for racking up most of the deficit.

He seems to identify with the anger of the 'poorly educated' White voter who flocks to Donald Trump. Of course a billionaire who supports whichever candidate suits his purposes would truly understand the plight of the average working voter. Sadly, Republican voters believe that billionaires sympathize with their situations and vote completely against their own best interests.

Wynn was gushing over the candidates for other offices in the Nevada Republican Party, namely Rep. Joe Heck, who is one of the most egregiously awful Tea Party gun-nuts in Congress. I guess any proclivities towards the Democratic Party are a thing of the past, like his feud with Donald Trump.

It seems Wynn has resigned himself that this is the GOP now. Wynn said that there's no denying that the nomination is Trump's to lose, to use a term coined by Vegas oddsmakers.

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