Christie: Clinton Has Moved So Far To The Left We Can't Tell Who Is The Socialist

And this is a bad thing?

Chris Christie has said more than a few harsh barbs in Donald Trump's direction in the past. As recently as December of 2015, Christie felt that Trump was unfit for the office of the Presidency. But that's then, and this is now and Governor Bully is endorsing the bloviating billionaire bully, who's friends with Christie and his wife, Mary Pat Christie. He called him a carnival barker who's thin-skinned and harshly criticized his 'ban on all Muslims entering the United States.'

Today, Christie was his biggest cheerleader, no pun intended. Stephanopoulos attempted to rehash all the issues of the past that Christie had against Trump. One that was noteworthy was this exchange regarding the Muslim ban.

CHRISTIE: -- Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee for president of the United States. And he is going to bring this race to Hillary Clinton. He is the best candidate to beat Hillary Clinton in November and the best candidate to restore national security for our country.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But -- but on -- on the Muslim ban, are you saying now that you endorse the ban on having non-citizen Muslims...

CHRISTIE: No, that's not what I'm saying.

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- (INAUDIBLE) from the United States?

CHRISTIE: I'm saying that that's only one piece of an overall approach to national security.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But you disagree with it?

CHRISTIE: So I -- I said that very plainly. Listen, George, here's the bottom line. Elections are choices. And you look at the candidates up on the stage and you decide all things considered, who's the best choice.

Talk about dodging! Dodge, dive, duck, dip and DODGE! Nice try Christie. He continued:

You know, I tell voters this all the time, if you want to vote for the candidate who you agree with 100 percent of the time, go home and look in the mirror.


CHRISTIE: You're the only person you agree with 100 percent of the time, whether it's you or me.

So you can -- we can sit here this morning and play the game of everything that -- I ran against the guy, so of course there's things that I disagree with him on. But this is now a choice. And of the candidates remaining on that stage, he is the best person to beat Hillary Clinton, which is job one for Republicans. We do not want Hillary Clinton in the White House

He then admitted what Democrats have known for a while, that Bernie Sanders has, to the benefit of our country, moved Hillary Clinton farther to the Left. That is a wonderful thing, and it terrifies Republicans who are faced with one of the worst human (or yuman) beings that has ever walked this planet as their nominee.

CHRISTIE: But let me tell you, they're minor disagreements compared to what is going to happen if we have Hillary Clinton as president of the United States, who is moving so far to the left to beat Bernie Sanders that I don't know which one is the socialist, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

Let's hope the Democratic Party continues to embrace a more progressive platform. Bernie Sanders has done a wonderful thing by making the Democratic Party more liberal, and may it help defeat the Party who wants to destroy not just government, but humanity and the planet as well.

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