'Nice Guy' Gov. Kasich Plans To De-Fund Planned Parenthood

The Governor who'd like you to believe he's got a heart, has the same lump of coal as the rest of his GOP cohorts.

John Kasich spent a lot of time in New Hampshire, promoting himself as the reasonable, compassionate conservative of the bunch. In this wacky field, second to Trump is a win for Kasich. His strategy was effective and he had his best showing of his whole campaign.

The day after his 'victory,' Kasich elaborated:

In an ABC interview Wednesday morning, Kasich again struck a tone that is a stark contrast to Trump's tough-talking style.

"And when we (grow the economy), we make sure we leave no one behind: the mentally ill, the drug addicted, working poor, everybody has a right to rise in America and to restore the spirit of this country," Kasich said.

He appeared more human in contrast to the Biblical and Apocolyptic style of Ted Cruz or the foul-mouthed verbal diarrhea of Donald Trump. But don't be fooled by this man, he is a hard-right Republican, through and through.

Kasich is a well-known poor shamer, who, in 2014, denied benefits to over 130,000 food stamp recipients under the guise that some of them were receiving both welfare and disability, which is next to impossible. Now, facing some heat from his Republican base in Ohio, Kasich is launching an attack on a favorite bogeyman of his party, Planned Parenthood.

In the video above, Kasich plainly states that he 'doesn't like Planned Parenthood.' He gives no valid reason. He just wants 'robust funding for women's health,' but like every Republican, he doesn't mean that sincerely.

That's because the GOP's pro-forced birth crowd doesn't care about helping women who are not wealthy, which always includes minorities. These are the same minorities that will comprise the U.S. majority in less than three decades, so good luck with that strategy. We're so glad you all listened to that prophetic Piyush "Bobby" Jindal on his post mortem of the Republican Party and are working on that minority outreach.

Thank goodness no matter which Democratic candidate is selected, we don't have to worry about overturning Roe V Wade, because sanity is at least on the side of the left.

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