Editorial Policy Meetings At MSNBC...

MSNBC's regular tongue bath of Donald Trump equals the death of cable news.

...have to be the shortest meetings in corporate history.

Because based on the observable performance of the network they're either this:

Phil Griffin: How are the ratings?
Everybody: Great!
Phil Griffin: Great! Meeting adjourned.

Or this:

Phil Griffin: How are the ratings?
Everybody: Meh.
Phil Griffin: What are you doing about it?
Everybody: We were thinking...maybe more...Trump?
Phil Griffin: Great! Meeting adjourned.

From Brother Charlie Pierce:

Many years hence, when historians write of the death of television news, the one-hour infomercial that Joe Scarborough ran on behalf of Donald Trump on Thursday night will have roughly the same impact on their conclusions that the Yucatan meteor has had on the study of paleontology.

Excerpted from Driftglass.

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