End Times Wingnut, Rick Wiles Claims Scalia Was Murdered

An almost 80 y.o. smoking, drinking unhealthy man dies and it has to be MURDER!

Rick Wiles spoke with Fox News' original liberal, Alan Colmes, from the floor of the 'National Religious Broadcasters' Convention, (yes, that is a thing) regarding the 'suspicious' death of Justice Antonin Scalia. When an overweight, unhealthy, almost eighty year-old smoker and drinker passes away, you'd think that suspicions and conspiracy theories would be put to rest. Not true, as they are plentiful in right-wing conspiracy circles, this time, emanating from a 'religious' broadcaster with Rick Wiles impressive bona fides.

I know the reader is asking themselves, why does it matter what someone like Rick Wiles thinks? Why should we care? If we don't pay attention to what these people are telling their fundamentalist base, we don't know what these people believe to be true. Also, when the IRS claims that a religious television network can operate as a tax-free church, we should definitely take notice.

It's fascinating how he can create this insane conspiracy timeline, and make a decent living by capitalizing on his outlandish imagination. Unfortunately, fascinating doesn't always mean ethical or veracious. Wiles didn't sound terribly convincing when listing his doubts.

WILES: There's something mysterious about his death and there's so many unanswered questions... The manner in which he died and the reason he was at the ranch.

Alan inquires about the claim that the 'regime' had a hand in this. By regime, we assume he believes that the nefarious Kenyan Usurper has nothing better to do than meticulously organize the assassination of a SCOTUS Justice. At least in this interview, Wiles doesn't blame President Obama, or the Bush family. It's the 'shadow government', the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations and major banks who are really running the show. I don't doubt the massive influence of NGOs, banks and international trade groups, but why would they kill Scalia of all people?

Apparently, numerology had a role in this nefarious event. That's because numerology is the reason that Scalia died on the 44th day of the year during the administration of the 44th president. Well, that settles that.

Strangely enough, he did blame President Obama just a few days ago:

“Deep down they know, the regime murdered a justice … This is the way a dictatorial, fascist, police state regime takes control of a nation.” He explained considering the fact, “Barack Obama is the most lawless president we have ever had in the history of this great country,” his so-called lawlessness is “a catalyst to wake up the sleeping giant.” That sleeping giant, of course, is the church.

Attempting to insert sanity, Colmes reminds Wiles that even Scalia's family has no suspicions when it comes to the circumstances surrounding the conservative justice's demise. The End-Times Pastor says that he wants more information regarding WHY the wealthy family invited Scalia to the hunting camp, even if this is hardly the first time he went on such a trip.

This is another example of Rick Wiles capitalizing on fear and dishonesty to make money, exactly like he did during the marriage equality debate, and it won't be the last. The man is just trying to drum up controversy to sell his snake oil, which consists of a religion which profits from fear and hate. What better way to gain notoriety and attention among the 'virtuous' people associated with the National Religious Broadcasters' Convention?

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