Fox Guest: Obama Has Made Islam The Faith Least Under Attack In America

Fox guest Kevin McCullough didn’t just blow the “Obama’s a secret Muslim” dog whistle, he suggested Obama has given Muslims some kind of special privileges.

Fox guest Kevin McCullough didn’t just blow the “Obama’s a secret Muslim” dog whistle, he suggested Obama has given Muslims some kind of special privileges.

The discussion was yet another in the series of Fox News complaints about President Obama’s visit to a Baltimore mosque.

Conservative talk show host McCullough predictably used the visit to slam Obama:

MCCULLOUGH: This President doesn’t really believe in the practice of vibrant faith. He believes in the suppression of any distinctives between the faiths so that nobody is ever at odds or in tension with any other faiths.

...It’s just insincere, for, in essence, a pragmatic atheist in the White House, to look at Islam and say they are picked on. If you follow the plot lines of major television dramas, you look at the way the culture has embraced this and the way the administration has championed the Islamic cause over the last seven years, that is the last faith in America that is currently under attack.

Really? Has McCullough not heard about Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims and the increase of anti-Muslim incidents in recent months?

Anchor Martha MacCallum validated the dishonest smear by saying, “very interesting.” Then she turned to the other guest, Democrat Marjorie Clifton, to talk about Obama’s choice of mosques.

Clifton then did what MacCallum would not do and called out McCullough’s smear of Obama.

CLIFTON: I think we have to be careful about, even how we talk about Obama’s faith. Faith is something very personal. I think it’s probably wrong to criticize anyone or to describe their faith as one particular thing. Which is what I think he’s trying do, by embracing all faiths and by saying religious liberty in this country is a foundation of who we are.

…At the heart of all religion is about love and is about embracing one another and that is a common vain in every faith that exists.

McCullough responded by smearing Islam: “I just question that when some people’s religions says lets chop other peoples heads off. It’s just hard to say that sometimes,” he said.

MacCallum ended with a lecture for Obama; “As you point out, that is a discussion about the extreme violent Islamic radical sect that exists in this country and I think a lot of people would like the president to speak more forcefully about that when he is speaking.”

Watch it above, from the February 6 America’s Newsroom.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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