Fox News Cohosts Rehab Donald Trump From The Pope’s Criticism

Not even Pope Francis can stop Fox News talking heads from loving Donald Trump’s nativist hate mongering.

Not even Pope Francis can stop Fox News talking heads from loving Donald Trump’s nativist hate mongering.

Earlier today, Pope Francis bluntly criticized Trump’s rhetoric as “not Christian.”

From Reuters:

In a freewheeling conversation with reporters on his flight back from a visit to Mexico, Francis was asked about Trump and some of his statements, such as vowing to build a wall between the United States and Mexico if he becomes president.

“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” Francis said in answer to a specific question about Trump’s views. “This is not in the gospel.”

Asked if American Catholics should vote for someone with Trump’s views, Francis said:

“I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt,” he said.

Predictably, not one of the five “news analysts” on Outnumbered considered the substance of The Pope’s remarks. Perhaps that’s because Christianity would be hard to find in Trump’s nativist attacks on Hispanics and others.

Cohost Meghan McCain complained, “I just don’t think this is the role of a spiritual leader.”

The show’s #OneLuckyGuy, Charles Payne, was the lone voice of reason, maybe because, as he had earlier remarked, he’s married to a Catholic woman. But he pointed out that a lot of spiritual leaders have already endorsed candidates. Payne didn’t note, but I will, that I have yet to hear anyone on Fox complain about that.

The show played a clip of Trump answering Pope Francis by doubling down on attacks on Mexicans. Trump accused the Mexican government of “using The Pope as a pawn.”

Cohost Andrea Tantaros thought that depicting The Pope as a patsy was “spot on.” She continued, “He brought it right back to policy, he had a respectful tone and he hit the Mexican government because if you look at The Pope’s words, The Pope was very measured in what he was saying. He wasn’t being acerbic towards Donald Trump. It was the Mexican government that is using The Pope for political reasons and I think that the way that he sort of circled that square with his remarks… was pitch perfect to bring it back to policy, the border and the immigration crisis that we’re facing.”

Cohost Harris Faulkner responded by lauding Trump’s importance. “I go back to the original comments about building a wall and getting Mexico to pay for it and everybody laughing and how that became a punch line for a while. And now we’re talking The Pope and Donald Trump!”

Watch it above, from the February 18 Outnumbered. And check out how, once again, all the ladies are wearing short dresses and all their legs are crossed.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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