GOP Debate Implodes Into An Out Of Control Screaming Match

GOP Debate in Houston goes completely off the rails with Cruz and Trump screaming over each other in a scene straight out of a movie.

At one point in tonight's embarrassment of a debate, Trump really laid into Cruz for his smarmy, underhanded tactics in Iowa, which set Cruz off big time. Here is how it unfolded:

Trump: I know politicians believe it or not, better than you do and it's not good (looking at Cruz)

Cruz: Oh I believe it. For 40 years you have been funding liberal Democratic politicians

Trump: I funded you.


Trump: I gave him a check (at Cruz)


Cruz: You gave me $5000

Rubio: He never funded me

(clapping and overtalk)

Trump: Autograph (yelling) thank you for the book


Cruz: Donald, I understand rules are very hard for you, You are very confused


Trump: This is very fun up here (laughing)

Cruz: Donald, relax


Trump: I am relaxed. You are a basket case. Don't get nervous.


Cruz: I promise you, nothing about you makes anyone nervous


Wolf: gentleman, gentlemen

Cruz: Excuse me, he called me a liar


Cruz: Do I not get a response? (raised voice)

Wolf: you will get plenty of response...but let's talk about ISIS

The moderators never really got control back. The three main candidates, Rubio, Cruz and Trump attacked each other non stop, never answered questions directly and poor Kasich and Carson were left off screen for most of the night. At one point Carson even implored for someone to attack him so he would get called on.

This is the best the GOP has to offer. And it looks like Trump is bullying his way right to the front of the pack.

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