The GOP's Donald Trump Fail Is An Orphan
Everyone thinks someone else is responsible for Donald Trump.
A brief history of the paternity fight over America's most famous political bastard:
How The Left Created Donald Trump -- The Federalist
The Republican Party Created Donald Trump -- Ewick son of Ewick
The G.O.P. Created Donald Trump -- from Nicholas Kristof in the NYT
How David Brooks Created Donald Trump -- A Cato Institute goof writing in Forbes -- "The irony is that David Brooks, Barack Obama and their respective tribes bear much of the responsibility for the rise of Donald Trump."
How Sarah Palin Created Donald Trump -- Molly Ball in The Atlantic
The Bushes Created Trump: GOP establishment has no one to blame but itself -- Laura Ingraham
How Conservatism Created Donald Trump -- New York Magazine
Who Created a Perfect Trump Storm? -- Commentary MagazineA monster the GOP could’ve avoided: The conservative establishment created Trump—and now they can’t destroy him -- Bob Cesca in Salon
The GOP’s Anti-Government Line created Trump -- Juan Cole
Donald Trump is the monster the GOP created -- Dana Milbank in the WaPoHow did this monster get created? The decades of GOP lies that brought us Donald Trump, Republican front-runner -- Heather Cox Richardson in Salon
How the P.C. Police Propelled Donald Trump: The American left created Donald Trump. -- The Daily Beast (and re-linked all over the Right)
Republicans Created Trump, They Must Stand Up to Him -- HuffPo
How Obama Created Trump -- Glenn Beck (audio)
GOP Elitists Created Trump -- Jeffry Katz, radio
How David Brooks' Fake Conservatism Created Donald Trump's Fake Conservatism: The Odious Ben Shapiro at The Daily Wire
National Review Created Trump? -- Ricochet
Bill Maher and Seth Macfarlane Rip PC Culture 'That Created Donald Trump'
How Obama Created The Demand For Trump -- Some UK wingnutThe Rats Are Fleeing The Sinking Ship As Rush Limbaugh Blames Obama For Trump -- PoliticsUSA
GOP ‘Race Baiting’ Created Trump -- Nia-Malika Henderson via NewsBusters
Trump Creationism: Who's Responsible for Creating Donald Trump? -- The Odious Weekly Standard [Spoiler: It's the damn Liberals!]
Republican & Democratic establishments created the Tea Party & Donald Trump -- A site called "WB Daily"
We Didn’t Start The Fire: So Who Created Trump? -- Matt Lewis promoting his crappy book
The Federalist's Ben Domenech: 'Both Sides Are Responsible For Donald Trump' -- From Crooks & Liars
How Fox News Helped Create The Donald Trump-enstein: The Video -- From Crooks & Liars
GOP establishment created the vacuum that Trump is filling -- The American Family Association (video)
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible."