FOX News Rolls Out Koch Shill To Fearmonger Progressive Ideas

Ignoring the real economic indicators, Koch acolyte, Brian Brenberg appears on Fox and Friends to falsely predict doom and gloom.

Fox and Friends Weekend host, Clayton Morris wants to evoke terror in the hearts of the Fox 'News' viewer. He attempts this by playing excerpts of Bernie Sanders' recitation of the phrase free tuition, and/or the word free repeatedly, as if these words themselves are frightening. None of the offsets Sanders proposes, like eliminating the cost of health care, ever makes it into the conversation, and both guest and host treat Sanders as if he's Doc from Back To The Future.

Somehow, folks on the right, who are not wealthy, have an issue with the dignity that should come with employment. With dignity comes self-sufficiency, which is the moral consequence of paying workers a living wage, especially those who work full time. No one should be in poverty if they are working full time. Robert Reich explains,

People who work full time are fulfilling their most basic social responsibility. As such, they should earn enough to live on.

This morning's guest, Brian Brenberg, is currently an economics professor at King's College and a Koch sycophant. He was one of the conservative billionaire's favorite experts/liars, who helped them blow the whole Solyndra farce out of proportion, appearing on this same program in early 2015 to promote the fake scandal. He was part of the machine designed to discredit the renewable industry, and now that he's finished with that sordid task, he will perfidiously try to convince people that minimum wage should keep people in poverty, perpetually.

Brenberg's mission today is to poo poo all over the idea that poor people deserve a living wage, and raising the minimum wage to $15/hr is way too ambitious and will hurt businesses, especially in the Midwest. His skepticism was over the top.

You have to suspend reality to think that a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage isn't going to change things.

Koch-boy Brenberg claims that it would cost over six million jobs and it could be very dangerous. He fails to mention that workers would not be forced to depend on government for basic subsistence. That reality eludes him, and he misleads the audience that these moochers will still be taking their free stuff, directly from their pockets.

The terror continues when Morris presents a graphic about 'Berniecare' which would add $14 trillion to the deficit in the next ten years. No mention, again, of the basic savings that the elimination of exorbitant healthcare costs would create. Brenberg fearmongers that tax increases will hit not only the wealthy, but every tax payer.

Healthcare is going to be funded by the government, and on this channel, the government is always the bad guy. Their job is to elicit fear in the viewers that the innocent, tax-paying American will be hurt immeasurably by any effort to expand government and end for-profit, privately run healthcare. Government is the problem, St. Ronnie hath stated, and people like Brenberg help reinforce this sick notion that the private sector will do a better job. The rest of the world has learned that a government-run system works rather well, but it's Fox's job is to prevent facts from permeating the bubble of ignorance they've worked so hard to build.

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