Lindsey Graham Says Cruz Will Get 'Creamed' By Any Democrat

"The only person who will do worse than Ted, is Trump."

Joe and Mika are just beside themselves over the dismal numbers for Jeb! in Iowa. They try to ask Lindsey Graham to soothe their worry.

Lindsey reminds them that McCain won in New Hampshire after a poor Iowa showing. Then things get interesting. What would be his estimate of Ted Cruz's chances in the general election?

"One in Ten," said Graham.

Graham blamed extreme positions on immigration and "abortion in the case of rape" for Cruz's failure.

"And he'll get creamed, and the only person who would do worse than Ted is Trump. And if you vote for Trump as a Republican, you're buying a ticket on the Titanic after you saw the movie. Don't do that."

Lindsey Graham's confidence in a rational electorate is one reason he doesn't fit in today's Republican Party.

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