Marco Rubio Gives Victory Speech For Finishing 3rd In Iowa

You'd never know that he finished behind Cruz and Trump tonight from this 'victory' speech.

Marco Rubio and many of the pundits from the Mainstream Media are absolutely tickled that Marco finished in third place in the GOP Iowa Caucuses. Marco was over the top ecstatic himself, and his 'victory' speech hardly reflected a normal victory. Senator Ted Cruz finished first with 28%, Trump came in second with 24% and Rubio ended up with 23%. Fox News and other sages like David Brooks are in the tank for Rubio, and that sentiment was echoed by his campaign tonight.

In his typically frenetic, almost tattle-tale style of speech, Rubio said things like:

So this is the moment they said would never happen. For months, for months they told us we have no chance... for months they told us we didn't have the right endorsements or the right connections.

They told me I had to wait my turn, I had to wait in line. After seven years of Barack Obama, we are not waiting any longer to take our country back (to the 19th Century).

He waged his usual moron war on President Obama, who doesn't respect the Constitution or the precious Second Amendment. It was gag-inducing. Someone running for the office of the President of the United States should be able to address the current office holder by their proper name: President Obama. His name is President Obama, Marco. Do not call him Barack Obama. Just because your entire party has a humongous problem with racism doesn't mean you have to stoop to their level, or do you?

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