Meet Ted Cruz's New Communications Director
Hoo boy. Alice Stewart sure knows how to pick 'em.
The above video is from 2012, when Alice Stewart worked for Rick Santorum. She's worked for several Presidential campaigns: Santorum, Huckabee, and even Michele Bachmann. As Mock Paper Scissors points out:
AYATOLLAH TED has replaced the hapless slimeball RICK TYLER (of staff-banging serial-adulterer NEWTICLES fame) with Y’ALL QAEDA’S favorite daughter ALICE STEWART, who has thrown in her lott (see what I did there?) with the other notable fetus-fondling god-bothering theocrats in the various Goat Rodeos: Huckabee (2008, 2016), Santorum (2012). She also once worked for our old pal ONE-L [Bachmann]. The lady knows how to pick ’em.
Stewart left UNCLE SUGAR’S campaign suddenly in December of last year as the ship was sinking.
So in addition to quitting a failing campaign before the paychecks stop clearing, Alice Stewart, as evidenced by this clip, knows how to deflect when her boss says something incredibly ridiculous, like climate science is actually "Obama's phony theology." Here's a link where Santorum actually said that.
Alice Stewart has plenty of stupid things to say in this clip herself, like the Keystone pipeline will bring jobs and Barack Obama will be hurt by those terrible awful gas prices going up up up.
Side note Driftglass filled our tank on Valentine's Day, with a grocery store coupon, for $0.48 a gallon. Forty Eight Cents.
But hey, Alice Stewart's ability to deflect stupid, say stupid, and spin stupid, should make her a perfect communications director for Ted Cruz. We look forward to her six whole days in office if Ted Cruz loses in Texas on the first.