Obama Following Precedent By Not Attending Scalia's Funeral

Once again, Peter Johnson Jr. admonishes the president for his very justifiable decision.

Oh dear! The pundits at Fox 'News' are having a hissy fit over the fact that President Obama will not attend Justice Antonin Scalia's funeral on Saturday.

Instead, the president will pay his respects on Friday, when Scalia's body lies in repose in the Great Hall of the Supreme Court building. Vice President Joe Biden will attend Scalia's funeral at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the White House said Wednesday during a press briefing.

Four out of the past seven funerals for a Supreme Court justice have either had the president or vice president in attendance.

Former President George W. Bush attended the funeral for Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

Former President Bill Clinton attended the funerals for former Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and Justice William Brennan but did not attend the funerals for Justices Harry Blackmun or Lewis F. Powell Jr.

Former Vice President Al Gore attended the funeral for Justice Thurgood Marshall.

The ironically named Peter Johnson Jr., is upset about this. Today, on Fox and Friends, he admonishes the president, as he did yesterday and the day before.

But there's a greater issue in my mind, the greater issue is again, politics, is again the country, is again bringing people together, is again honoring a man whose service you may have disagreed with in life, but honor in death. So will the president only talk the talk but walk the walk?

Greta Van Susteren wants the president to give her a good reason why he plans to only pay his respects, because all of a sudden, it's important for everyone to do the right thing. Is it the right thing to do to attend the funeral of a man who Representative John Lewis called a racist, and for pretty damned good reason? It's never been important for Congress to do the right thing, and respect the duly, elected president who won two landslide victories. Scores upon scores of times, they've been downright rude to this president, so he should put that all behind him and do as he's commanded?

If he decided to go, it would likely be considered a political stunt. He's sending his Vice President, Joe Biden, and he has every right to do what his predecessors have done without having to account for his whereabouts. It's never a win-win with these Republicans and THIS president, no matter what he decides to do.

Let's not forget Justice Scalia's opinion back in December on the Fisher Vs. University of Texas Case.

“There are those who contend that it does not benefit African-Americans to get them into the University of Texas, where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school … a slower-track school where they do well.”

This is still fresh in the minds of many Democrats who fight for racial equality, among other social causes Scalia tried to decimate. Justice Scalia and his ilk on the Court have been dead-set against progress for over a decade, and it is very hard to forget the injustice they've wrought on so many Americans.

Some say the president shouldn't give them ammunition and just attend. I say, he should stop kowtowing to these disrespectful cretins who treat him as 3/5's of an illegitimate president and do as he wishes. Good on you, Mr. President.

Here's Greta's take on the matter.

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