'Women Of The Fox News Sofa' Shocked By Sexy 'Tax Funded Promiscuity!'

The anti-choice right wing is having a fit of the vapors over the University of Utah's sponsorship of Sex Week, a series of events that aims to" reduce stigmas" and "raise awareness" of issues related to sex. Naturally, Outnumbered is "worked up." Seriously...

The anti-choice right wing is having a fit of the vapors over the University of Utah's sponsorship of Sex Week, a series of events that aims to" reduce stigmas" and "raise awareness" of issues related to sex. Naturally, Outnumbered is "worked up." Seriously...

To uproarious laughter, Lisa "Kennedy" Montgomery mocked the "taxpayer funded" event which is even worse because the school is partnering, OMG, with the reviled Planned Parenthood. After she described the purpose of the event, "to deconstruct reproductive oppression," she sardonically added, "that's great." Lots of tittering accompanied her listing of the sex week prizes which, OMG, are free contraceptives and a vasectomy.

Kennedy said that she saw "good and bad in this." She was incensed about the vasectomy because of the supposed difficulty of reversing it. Laughter continued as Andrea Tantaros chimed in with a comment about how, "if you were dating a guy who did that, wouldn't that be a bit of a red flag." (Uh, no, it would mean that he couldn't get you pregnant.)

#Oneluckyguy, Pete Hegseth articulated the patented right wing disdain for anything that smacks of reproductive freedom with his claim that "words like reproductive justice... are absolutely and utterly meaningless." He recounted, disgustingly, how, when he was at Princeton the school taught "the joys and toys of gay sex."

In discussing the positive aspects of Sex Week, Kennedy advanced the right wing denial of the reality of sexual assault on campus: "when we talk about college campuses, when we talk about sex, we're talking about every college and university as though it is a den of sexual assault where men are vilified." She added "but here, it's actually a positive spin on it, isn't that good news?"

Tantaros responded that some campuses are places where sexual assaults take place, but others aren't and "boys are wrongfully accused." She acknowledged that the issue "is very complicated and very gray." She whined about how students who attend UU spend lots of money "and they're not there to learn about these issues, it's sex week, every week, they do not need sex week in America..." Given that the sexualized nature of her show, Tantaros next comment, that the country is "oversexualized" was stunning! She quipped that students "don't need to pay money to go to a school to have them give us free vasectomies and condoms, it is a public school."

Harris Faulkner wanted to know how students are being oppressed and then, in a total non-sequitor referenced "the hundreds and thousands of children waiting for adoption." She advanced the bizarre right wing meme that availability of birth control leads to unprotected sex. Ignoring the reality that part of the program involves things like consent and sexual empowerment, she couldn't understand "how are they oppressed." She continued: "I've never met anybody who says, you know, I went to college and nobody let me have sex."

Sandra Smith sarcastically mentioned an event featuring African-American women and mocked the timing of the event, held before Valentine's Day. Kennedy said she couldn't think about it any more because she "gets so worked up."

Heaven forbid that we give sexually active youth information of avoiding pregnancy and STD's. Bodily autonomy is such a bad thing say the ladies who've got legs and know how to use them!

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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