QOTD: Charles Gasparino

Charles Gasparino proves once again that the talking heads over on Faux "news" are living in an alternative universe.

Charles Gasparino proves once again that the talking heads over on Faux "news" are living in an alternative universe. Here he is on Fox's Cavuto on Business this Saturday, during one of their typical fearmongering segments on how the illegal immigrants are overrunning our country and going to destroy it (even though immigration is at a net zero) telling everyone that the grandfather of free-market economic theory that conservatives worship is supposedly not a right winger.

PAYNE: It's nuts in so many ways even economically. I mean, what the heck? Where's this money coming from?

GASPARINO: I mean, it wasn't like a right wing nut that said, you know, you can't have open borders and a welfare state. You know, I mean, that was Milton Friedman, a libertarian economist, a monetarist. I mean, he's a smart guy, clearly not from the right wing.

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