Sanders Disavows Sexist 'Bernie Bros' Supporters: 'We Don't Want That Crap'

Sen. Bernie Sanders disavowed the so-called "Bernie Bros" who have been causing quite a bit of headaches for his campaign of late due to their sexist behavior on line.

Sen. Bernie Sanders disavowed the so-called "Bernie Bros" who have been causing quite a bit of headaches for his campaign of late due to their sexist behavior on line.

Sanders To The Bernie Bros: “We Don’t Want That Crap”:

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Bernie Sanders is not happy with the Bernie Bro phenomenon, he said Sunday.

“It”s disgusting, we don’t want that crap,” Sanders said during an appearance on CNN’s State Of The Union recorded three days before Tuesday’s first-in-the-nation primary here.

“Bernie Bros” is the shorthand for Sanders supporters who swarm Democrats who support Hillary Clinton, particularly women, online. Clinton supporters have complained about them for months, and a top Sanders campaign official recently apologized to his counterpart on the Clinton campaign for the behavior of some Sanders backers online. The Sanders campaign has admonished its legion of online supporters to police itself.

Meanwhile, some prominent Sanders-supporting pundits claim the Bernie Bro is a myth, ginned up by Clinton supporters to cast her campaign as the victim of sexist attacks.

As McMorris-Santoro noted, Sanders acknowledged the phenomenon was real and said there's no place for it in his campaign. Here's the full transcript via CNN:

TAPPER: Have you heard about this phenomenon the Bernie bros, people who support you, and sometimes attack in very crude and sexist ways Clinton supporters?

SANDERS: Yes, I have heard about it. It's disgusting. Look, we don't want that crap. We can -- and we will do everything we can, and I think we have tried.

Look, anybody who is supporting me, is doing sexist things is -- we don't want them. I don't want them. That is not what this campaign is about.

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