Grab The Popcorn! Scarborough Feuds With Rubio

Rubio has yet to appear on Morning Joe and Scarborough is taking it personally.

The New York Times has noticed the palpable feud between Marco Rubio and Morning Joe host, Joe Scarborough. They speculate that it is a combination of two egos clashing, a little bit of career envy and the fact that Rubio hasn't been on with Joe.

On the surface, the fight seems to be a classic case of a celebrity host being snubbed and his feelings being hurt: Mr. Rubio has appeared on “Morning Joe” just once since becoming a senator.

While Mr. Rubio has boycotted the program, its hosts have derided him for everything from his fashion choices (“shagalicious”) to his lack of legislative accomplishments, producing the kind of memorable moments that have taken off on social media.

In an interview Saturday, Mr. Scarborough could not hide his disapproval of Mr. Rubio, describing him as “programmed” and “risk averse.” And after Mr. Rubio’s debate performance on Saturday appeared to validate his critique, Mr. Scarborough took something of a victory lap.

“I’ve been criticized for saying Marco looks too robotic, too prepackaged, and too young,” he wrote in a text message. “But everything I’ve said alone for months is now being repeated this morning by everyone else in the political world. My critiques weren’t personal: they were right.”

This morning, Joe continued to assail the Junior Florida Senator for his lack of perceptual accomplishments and the robotic nature of his responses.

SCARBOROUGH: People are looking a lot closer at Marco Rubio and wait a second, what has he ever done? Because the other candidates have been complaining about him for a long time, that he's never accomplished anything and when his own supporter can't name one thing (Santorum), suddenly everybody's focus is on that, and suddenly, when Chris Christie attacks him, everybody's focus is on the same canned lines that he's being saying for a decade now.

Is there some sort of resentment that Rubio has achieved far more politically than the Walton Beach former Congressman? Is it that he really thinks Rubio is the empty suit that the rest of us believe him to be? It's hard to know with Joe, as occasionally, he makes sense, but certainly not enough to warrant his $99 K paycheck per week.

It's fairly obvious to anyone with the sense God gave a hampster that Marco Rubio isn't terribly interested in the business of governance. The Florida Sun Sentinel noticed his distaste for his paid job as a U.S. Senator: They used his own words to attack him, justifiably.

You said, "there is really no other job in the country where if you don't do your job, you don't get fired."

With the exception of your job, right?

Look, a lot us are frustrated by our jobs and office politics. But we still show up for work every day to earn a paycheck.

By choosing to stay in the Senate and get the publicity, perks and pay that go with the position — without doing the work — you are taking advantage of us.

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