Much to my surprise, Jake Tapper actually did ask the GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump, about his support from white supremacist groups and former KKK grand wizard, David Duke on this Sunday's State of the Union on CNN.
Good for Tapper, but what we got in response was basically the Sgt. Schultz from Hogan's Heroes excuse:
Reform Bid Said to Be a No-Go for Trump:
Mr. Trump painted a fairly dark picture of the Reform Party in his statement, noting the role of Mr. Buchanan, along with the roles of David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, and Lenora Fulani, the former standard-bearer of the New Alliance Party and an advocate of Marxist-Leninist politics.
"The Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani," he said in his statement. "This is not company I wish to keep."
Mr. Trump reached his final decision after meeting with advisers at his estate in West Palm Beach before flying back to New York this evening. Although Mr. Ventura said he was forming his own new Independence Party, Mr. Trump said he would not seek its nomination for president.
Apparently it's the company he wants to keep now, or he'd have tried to distance himself from Duke in the interview above. Trump claims he's got such a wonderful memory. It's amazing how it seems to have failed him now, isn't it? He knows full well he needs the support from those racists if he's going to win in the south. He's not about to disavow them before the primary is over.