Trump Slams His Opponents: 'Their Walls Would Be 5 Feet High'

Comments like this one make him seem like he's trolling everybody.

Donald Trump has a very distinct habit of repeating himself, over and over again, repeatedly. There's no doubt he's been offensive and controversial, so State of the Union Host, Jake Tapper brings up the matter of his divisiveness on voters. Trump counters that with a typically repetitive and very unspecific reply that began with:

TRUMP: Well I am a unifier, and our current president is an absolute divider, he's a very divisive person, you look at the way our country is so divided people are going to be shocked to see we're going to bring the country together.

He talked about all these jobs he's going to bring back from Southeast Asia and Mexico by magically lowering the U.S. tax rate on businesses. This is going to happen because he knows what to do because he is not a politician. His redundant shtick continued:

TRUMP: "...I will be able to stem that tide because I know what to do. These politicians don't know what to do, and that's why the people are on my side. Politicians don't know what to do, Jake. They don't have a clue. When I say we're going to strengthen the border, we're going to build a wall..."

Now here comes the all-too-familiar wall routine we've heard before. Except this time, he's going to add a little more absurdity to drive home his point that no one on earth can build anything worth a dime except Donald J. Trump. Everyone else is incompetent.

TRUMP: "Last night a couple of guys said we're going to build a wall, it's the first time I ever heard anybody say that. Now they're all saying we're going to build a wall. First of all they wouldn't know how to build a wall, they wouldn't, get it. Their wall would be five feet high. We're going to build a real wall..."

I'm not sure Trump is familiar with the border area. Here's the wall between Nogales and Arizona, seems fairly high to me.

Nogales, on the U.S.-Mexican border with Arizona Credit: Sonicanta.com

It's funny to hear him give platitudes and say he's honored to run with such capable candidates, most recently when he gave his concession speech after the Iowa Caucuses. Remember this?

"Thank You. Thank you very much. I love you people. I love you people...I want to congratulate Ted and all the incredible candidates..."

This is a sharp shift from his assertion that no one is capable of even making a judgement call about wall dimensions and hiring contractors to build walls sufficiently high enough to be effective. That's because no one has ever dug a tunnel, right? It seems obvious that he's not terribly interested in being president lately.

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