You’re Invited To Tonight's Free Online Progressive Summit
Sister Giant, Blue America and Marianne Williamson host three weeks of free online progressive organizing for a much better Congress tonight. You're invited.
Please consider yourselves invited to join us and Sister Giant as Marianne Williamson hosts a free online progressive summit over the next three weeks. You’ll be introduced to some of the finest candidates running from all over the country. Together, we can help build a more progressive congress that will help keep Blue Dogs or New Dem alliances with the GOP from stalling important legislation and real change from happening.
As we’ve seen in the past few months, politics can be a dirty business. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. The idea for the Progressive Summit was born out of a desire to, as Marianne puts it, “make Congress reflect the better angels of our nature.” Does that sound like a good idea to you? Here’s what else Marianne has to say:
With the Presidential election in full swing, we can be tempted to minimize the importance of our Congressional elections. But they're equally important because Congress is a co-equal branch of the government. We need a political revolution in Congress as much as we need it in the White House!
I hope you'll join us for the Free Online Progressive Summit, co-hosted by SISTER GIANT and BLUE AMERICA, starting tonight, February 23 at 6pm PT | 9pm ET. The summit will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings for the next three weeks. Each evening viewers will be introduced to three progressive Congressional candidates from around the country. The interviews will be archived so you can begin watching at anytime.
Please go to to register for the Free Summit, and view a continuing list of candidates participating. After you register, you will receive a link to the summit via email.
I hope you'll join in, and let others know as well. If we really want a political revolution, we can't just kinda sorta do it!
All my best,